7 CFR § 250.4 - Administration at the State level.

§ 250.4 Administration at the State level.

(a) Distributing agency. The distributing agency, as defined in § 250.2, is responsible for ensuring compliance with the requirements in this part, and in other Federal regulations referenced in this part, in the distribution and control of donated foods. In order to receive, store, and distribute donated foods, the distributing agency must enter into a written agreement with FNS (the Federal-State Agreement, form FNS-74) for the distribution of donated foods in accordance with the provisions of this part and other applicable Federal regulations. The Federal-State agreement is permanent, but may be amended with the concurrence of both parties. FNS may terminate the Federal-State agreement if the distributing agency fails to meet its obligations, in accordance with § 250.3(c). Each distributing agency must also provide adequate personnel to administer the program in accordance with this part. The distributing agency may impose additional requirements related to the distribution and control of donated foods in the State, as long as such requirements are not inconsistent with the requirements in this part or other Federal regulations referenced in this part.

(b) Subdistributing agency. The distributing agency may enter into a written agreement with a subdistributing agency, as defined in § 250.2, to perform specific activities required of the distributing agency in this part. However, the distributing agency may not assign its overall responsibility for donated food distribution and control to a subdistributing agency or to any other organization, and may not delegate its responsibility to ensure compliance with the performance standards in § 250.22. The agreement entered into with the subdistributing agency must include the provisions in paragraph (c) of this section, and must indicate the specific activities for which the subdistributing agency is responsible.

(c) Recipient agencies. The distributing agency must select recipient agencies, as defined in § 250.2, to receive donated foods for distribution to eligible persons, or for use in meals provided to eligible persons, in accordance with eligibility criteria for specific programs or outlets, and must enter into a written agreement with a recipient agency prior to distribution of donated foods to it. However, for child nutrition programs, the distributing agency must enter into agreements with those recipient agencies selected by the State administering agency to participate in such programs, prior to distribution of donated foods to such recipient agencies. The distributing agency must confirm such recipient agencies' approval for participation in the appropriate child nutrition program with the State administering agency. For household programs, distributing agencies must consider the past performance of recipient agencies when approving applications for participation. Agreements with recipient agencies must include the provisions in this paragraph (c), as well as provisions required in Federal regulations applicable to specific programs (e.g., agreements with local agencies in CSFP must include the provisions in § 247.4(b) of this chapter). The agreements with recipient agencies and subdistributing agencies must:

(1) Ensure compliance with the applicable requirements in this part, with other Federal regulations referenced in this part, and with the distributing agency's written agreement with FNS;

(2) Ensure compliance with all requirements relating to food safety and food recalls;

(3) Establish the duration of the agreement. The duration of the agreement may be established as permanent, but may be amended at the initiation of distributing agencies;

(4) Permit termination of the agreement by the distributing agency for failure of the recipient agency (or subdistributing agency, as applicable) to comply with its provisions or applicable requirements, upon written notification to the applicable party; and

(5) Permit termination of the agreement by either party, upon written notification to the other party, at least 60 days prior to the effective date of termination.

(d) Procurement of services of commercial enterprises. The distributing agency, or a recipient agency, must ensure compliance with procurement requirements in 2 CFR part 200, subpart D, and USDA implementing regulations at 2 CFR parts 400 and 416, as applicable, to obtain the services of a commercial enterprise to conduct activities relating to donated foods. The distributing agency, or a recipient agency, must also ensure compliance with other applicable Departmental regulations in such procurements—for example, a school food authority must ensure compliance with requirements in §§ 210.16 and 210.21 of this chapter, and in subpart D of this part, in procuring the services of a food service management company.