7 CFR § 272.17 - Substantial lottery or gambling winnings.

§ 272.17 Substantial lottery or gambling winnings.

(a) General. Each State agency, to the maximum extent practicable, shall establish cooperative agreements with gaming entities within their State to identify members of certified households who have won substantial lottery or gambling winnings as defined in § 273.11(r).

(b) Cooperative Agreements. State agencies, to the maximum extent practicable, shall enter into cooperative agreements with the gaming entities responsible for the regulation or sponsorship of gaming in the State. Cooperative agreements should specify the type of information to be shared by the gaming entity, the procedures used to share information, the frequency of sharing information, and the job titles of individuals who will have access to the data. Cooperative agreements shall also include safeguards to prevent release or disclosure of personally identifiable information of SNAP recipients who are the subject of data matches in accordance with 272.1(c).

(c) Use of information on winnings. States shall provide a system for:

(1) Comparing information obtained from gaming entities about individuals with substantial winnings with databases of currently certified households within the State;

(2) The reporting of instances where there is a match;

(3) The verification of matches to determine their accuracy in accordance with § 273.2(f);

(4) If during a household's certification period, as defined in § 273.11(r), prior to any action to terminate the household's benefits, the State agency shall provide the household notice in accordance with the provisions on notices of adverse action appearing in § 273.13. If the information received is unclear, the State agency shall follow procedures at § 273.12(c)(3). For households that are found to have received substantial winnings at the time of the household's recertification, the State agency shall notify such households, in accordance with the provisions on notices of denial appearing in § 273.10(g)(2); and

(5) The establishment and collection of claims as appropriate.

(d) Frequency of data matches. The State agency shall perform data matches as frequently as is feasibly possible to identify SNAP recipients with substantial winnings, as defined in § 273.11(r); however, at a minimum the State agency shall conduct data matches when a household files a periodic report and at the time of the household's recertification.

(e) State Plan of Operation. The State agency shall include as an attachment to the annual State Plan of Operation, as required in accordance with § 272.2, the names of gaming entities with which the State agency has entered into cooperative agreements, the frequency of data matches with such entities.

[84 FR 15093, June 14, 2019]