7 CFR § 319.8-3 - Refusal and cancellation of permits.

§ 319.8-3 Refusal and cancellation of permits.

(a) Permits for entry from the West Coast of Mexico, as authorized in § 319.8-12 of lint, linters, waste, cottonseed, and cottonseed hulls may be refused and existing permits cancelled by the Administrator if he or she has determined that the pink bollworm is present in the West Coast of Mexico or in Northwest Mexico, or that other conditions exist therein that would increase the hazard of pest introduction into the United States.

(b) Permits for entry from Northwest Mexico as authorized in § 319.8-13 of lint, linters, waste, cottonseed, cottonseed hulls, and covers that have been used for cotton, may be refused and existing permits cancelled by the Administrator if he or she has determined that the pink bollworm is present in Northwest Mexico or in the West Coast of Mexico, or that other conditions exist therein that would increase the hazard of pest introduction into the United States.

[27 FR 5389, June 7, 1962, as amended at 36 FR 24917, Dec. 24, 1971; 70 FR 33324, June 7, 2005; 78 FR 25570, May 2, 2013]