7 CFR § 3402.6 - Overview of the special international study and/or thesis/dissertation research travel allowance.

§ 3402.6 Overview of the special international study and/or thesis/dissertation research travel allowance.

(a) For each USDA Graduate Fellow who desires to be considered for a special international study or thesis/dissertation research travel allowance, the Project Director must apply to HEP for a supplemental grant in accordance with instructions published in the solicitation. Postdoctoral Fellows are not eligible to receive the special international study or thesis/dissertation research travel allowance. Each application must include a “Proposal Cover Page” (Form NIFA-2002), “Project Summary” (Form NIFA-2003), “Budget” (Form NIFA-2004) and National Environmental Policy Act Exclusions Form (Form NIFA—2006).

(1) To provide HEP with sufficient information upon which to evaluate the merits of the requests for a special international study or thesis/dissertation research travel allowance, each application for a supplemental grant must contain a narrative which provides the following:

(i) The specific destination(s) and duration of the travel;

(ii) The specific study or thesis/dissertation research activities in which the Fellow will be engaged;

(iii) How the international experience will contribute to the Fellow's program of study;

(iv) A budget narrative specifying and justifying the dollar amount requested for the travel;

(v) Summary credentials of the faculty or other professionals with whom the Fellow will be working during the international experience (summary credentials must not exceed three pages per person);

(vi) A letter from the dean of the Fellow's college or equivalent administrative unit supporting the Fellow's travel request and certifying that the travel experience will not jeopardize the Fellow's satisfactory progress toward degree completion; and

(vii) A letter from the fellowship grant Project Director certifying the Fellow's eligibility, the accuracy of the Fellow's travel request, and the relevance of the travel to the Fellow's advanced degree objectives.

(2) The narrative portion of the application must not exceed the page limitation included in the program solicitation.

(b) All complete requests will be evaluated by professional staff from USDA or other Federal agencies, as appropriate. Evaluation criteria will be published in the solicitation. HEP will award grants in accordance with evaluation criteria and to the extent possible based on availability of funds.

(c) Any current Fellow with sufficient time to complete the international experience before the termination date of the grant under which he/she is supported is eligible for a special international study or thesis/dissertation research travel allowance. Before the international study or thesis/dissertation research travel may commence, a Fellow must have completed one academic year of full-time study, as defined by the institution, under the Fellowship appointment and arrangements must have been formalized for the Fellow to study and/or conduct research in the foreign location(s).