7 CFR § 3430.56 - Financial reporting.

§ 3430.56 Financial reporting.

(a) SF-269, Financial Status Report. Unless stated differently in the award terms and conditions, a final SF-269, Financial Status Report, is due 90 days after the expiration of the award and should be submitted to the Awards Management Branch (AMB) at Awards Management Branch; Office of Extramural Programs, NIFA; U.S. Department of Agriculture; STOP 2271; 1400 Independence Avenue, SW.; Washington, DC 20250-2271. The awardee shall report program outlays and program income on the same accounting basis (i.e., cash or accrual) that it uses in its normal accounting system. When submitting a final SF-269, Financial Status Report, the total matching contribution, if required, should be shown in the report. The final SF-269 must not show any unliquidated obligations. If the awardee still has valid obligations that remain unpaid when the report is due, it shall request an extension of time for submitting the report pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section; submit a provisional report (showing the unliquidated obligations) by the due date; and submit a final report when all obligations have been liquidated, but no later than the approved extension date. SF-269, Financial Status Reports, must be submitted by all awardees, including Federal agencies and national laboratories.

(b) Awards with Required Matching. For awards requiring a matching contribution, an annual SF-269, Financial Status Report, is required and this requirement will be indicated on the Award Face Sheet, Form-2009, in which case it must be submitted no later than 45 days following the end of the budget or reporting period.

(c) Requests for an extension to submit a final SF-269, Financial Status Report—(1) Before the due date. Awardees may request, prior to the end of the 90-day period following the award expiration date, an extension to submit a final SF-269, Financial Status Report. This request should include a provisional report pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, as well as an anticipated submission date and a justification for the late submission. Subject to § 3430.63 or other statutory or agency policy limitations, funds will remain available for drawdown during this period.

(2) After the due date. Requests are considered late when they are submitted after the 90-day period following the award expiration date. Requests to submit a final SF-269, Financial Status Report, will only be considered, up to 30 days after the due date, in extenuating circumstances. This request should include a provisional report pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, as well as an anticipated submission date, a justification for the late submission, and a justification for the extenuating circumstances. However, such requests are subject to § 3430.63 or any other statutory or agency policy limitations. If an awardee needs to request additional funds, procedures in paragraph (d) of this section apply.

(d) Overdue SF-269, Financial Status Reports. Awardees with overdue SF-269, Financial Status Reports, or other required financial reports (as identified in the award terms and conditions), will have their applicable balances at DHHS-PMS, ASAP, or other electronic payment system restricted or placed on “manual review,” which restricts the awardee's ability to draw funds, thus requiring prior approval from NIFA. If any remaining available balances are needed by the awardee (beyond the 90-day period following the award expiration date) and the awardee has not requested an extension to submit a final SF-269, Financial Status Report, the awardee will be required to contact AMB to request permission to draw any additional funds and will be required to provide justification and documentation to support the draw. Awardees also will need to comply with procedures in paragraph (c) of this section. AMB will approve these draw requests only in extenuating circumstances, as determined by NIFA.

(e) SF-272, Federal Cash Transactions Report. Awardees receiving electronic payments through DHHS-PMS are required to submit their SF-272, Federal Cash Transactions Report, via the DHHS-PMS by the specified dates. Failure to submit this quarterly report by the due date may result in funds being restricted by DHHS-PMS. Awardees not receiving payments through DHHS-PMS may be exempt from this reporting requirement.

(f) Additional reporting requirements. NIFA may require additional financial reporting requirements as follows: NIFA may require forecasts of Federal cash requirements in the “Remarks” section of the report; and when practical and deemed necessary, NIFA may require awardees to report in the “Remarks” section the amount of cash advances received in excess of three days (i.e., short narrative with explanations of actions taken to reduce the excess balances). When NIFA needs additional information or more frequent reports, a special provision will be added to the award terms and conditions and identified on the Form NIFA-2009, Award Face Sheet. Should NIFA determine that an awardee's accounting system is inadequate, additional pertinent information to further monitor awards may be requested from the awardee until such time as the system is brought up to standard, as determined by NIFA. This additional reporting requirement will be required via a special provision to the award terms and conditions and identified on the Form-2009, Award Face Sheet.