7 CFR § 3560.260 - Rental subsidies from non-Agency sources.

§ 3560.260 Rental subsidies from non-Agency sources.

(a) General. The Agency may authorize the use of rental subsidies from sources other than the Agency in Agency financed housing projects. The Agency will make no commitment to providing Agency rental assistance at the expiration of the rental subsidies from other sources.

(b) HUD vouchers. For tenants with HUD vouchers, the borrower must set the rental unit rent at the basic rent or the rent standard set by the public housing authority, whichever is less. The public housing authority distributing the HUD vouchers may set the utility allowance.

(c) Loan proposals using non-Agency rental subsidy. Loan applicants or borrowers proposing to use rental subsidy from sources other than the Agency must provide:

(1) Documentation demonstrating that a market exists for households eligible for the subsidy and the households are at income levels that would benefit from the amount of rental subsidy that will be provided;

(2) A plan describing actions to be taken when the rental subsidy expires to minimize the impact on tenants losing the rental assistance and to avoid displacement; and

(3) A copy of the project-based rental assistance agreement to be signed by the borrower and the provider of the rental assistance.

(d) Rental subsidy agreement. The borrower and the provider of rental subsidies from sources other than the Agency must execute a rental subsidy agreement and submit a copy of the agreement to the Agency. At a minimum, the rental subsidy agreement between the borrower and the source of the rental subsidy must include the following provisions:

(1) A description of how the subsidy will be paid. The rental subsidy payments may be paid directly to the tenants, to the borrower on behalf of the tenants, or deposited to a separate account established for the subsidy. The tenants must be advised of the amount and source of the subsidy through the lease or a supplement to the lease.

(2) The life of a project-based rental subsidy agreement with a non-Agency source must be similar to existing or current Agency rental assistance funding levels and sufficient funds must be set aside to assure availability of the rental subsidy for this term. The method of supplying the funds must be clearly established.