7 CFR § 4280.110 - General applicant, application, and funding provisions.

§ 4280.110 General applicant, application, and funding provisions.

(a) Satisfactory progress. An applicant that has received one or more grants and/or guaranteed loans under this program must make satisfactory progress, as determined by the Agency, toward completion of any previously funded projects before the applicant will be considered for subsequent funding. This may include a review of the applicant compliance with Agency reporting requirements. Satisfactory progress for EA and REDA grants is defined as at least 50 percent of previous EA or REDA awards expended at the time the Agency makes its eligibility determination.

(b) Application submittal. Applications must be submitted in accordance with the provisions of this subpart unless otherwise specified in a Federal Register notice. Grant applications and combined grant and guaranteed loan applications for financial assistance under this subpart may be submitted at any time.

(1) Grant applications. Complete grant applications will be accepted on a continuous basis, with awards made based on the application's score and subject to available funding.

(2) Combined grant and guaranteed loan applications. Applications requesting a RES or EEI grant and a guaranteed loan under this subpart will be accepted on a continuous basis, with awards made based on the grant application's score and subject to available funding.

(c) Application limits. An applicant applying for a grant or a combined grant and guaranteed loan is limited to competing one RES application and one EEI application under this subpart in any one Federal fiscal year. An applicant that proposes to install the same EEI or RES (including hybrid) across multiple facilities can be considered one project and be submitted in one application.

(d) Application modification. Once submitted and prior to Agency award, if an applicant modifies the scope of the project described in its application, the application will be treated as a new application. The submission date of record for such modified applications will be the date the Agency receives the modified information, and the application will be processed and scored by the Agency as a new application under this subpart.

(e) Incomplete applications. Applicants must submit complete applications in order to be considered for funding. If an application is incomplete, the Agency will identify those parts of the application that are incomplete and provide a written explanation to the applicant for possible future resubmission. Upon receipt of a complete application by the appropriate Agency office, the Agency will complete its evaluation and will compete the application in accordance with the procedures specified in §§ 4280.122 or 4280.156 as applicable.

(f) Application withdrawal. During the period between the submission of an application and the execution of award documents for an application selected for funding, the applicant must notify the Agency, in writing, if the project is no longer viable or the applicant no longer is requesting financial assistance for the project. When the applicant notifies the Agency, the selection will be rescinded and/or the application withdrawn.

(g) Technical report. The following technologies: Hydrogen, ocean energy, geothermal electric generation, anaerobic digesters and biogas, biomass, hybrid applications, RES with storage components, and EEI or technologies as amended via Federal Register notification or posted on the Agency's website, must provide a technical report as specified in §§ 4280.118(d) 4280.119(b)(4), and 4280.120(b)(3) and 4280.120(b)(4), and must comply with the provisions specified in paragraphs (g)(1) through (3), as applicable, of this section:

(1) Technical report format and detail. The information in the technical report must follow the format specified in § 4280.120(b)(3), § 4280.120(b)(4), and Appendices A through C of this subpart, as applicable. Supporting information may be submitted in other formats. Design drawings and process flowcharts are encouraged as exhibits. In addition, information must be provided, in sufficient detail, to:

(i) Allow the Agency to determine the technical merit of the applicant's project under § 4280.117;

(ii) Allow the calculation of simple payback as defined in § 4280.103;

(iii) For RES Projects, enable the calculation of the percentage of historical use of energy compared to the amount of renewable energy that will be generated once the project is operating at its steady state operating level. If the project is closely associated with a residence, demonstration must be made that 50 percent or more of the projected renewable energy will benefit the agricultural operation or rural small business; and

(iv) Demonstrate that the RES or EEI will operate or perform over the project's useful life in a reliable, safe, and a cost-effective manner, which may include but is not limited to addressing project design, installation, operation, maintenance, and warranties.

(2) Technical report modifications. If a technical report is prepared prior to the applicant's selection of a final design, equipment vendor, or contractor, or other significant decision, it may be modified and resubmitted to the Agency, provided that the overall scope of the project is not materially changed as determined by the Agency. Changes in the technical report may require additional environmental documentation in accordance with 7 CFR part 1970.

(3) Hybrid projects. If the application is for a hybrid project, technical reports as applicable must be prepared for each technology that comprises the hybrid project.

(h) Time limit on use of grant funds. Except as provided in paragraph (h)(1) of this section, grant funds not expended within 2 years from the date the Financial Assistance Agreement was signed by the Agency will be returned to the Agency.

(1) Time extensions. The Agency may extend the 2-year time limit for a period not to exceed 24 months if the Agency determines, at its sole discretion, that the grantee is unable to complete the project for reasons beyond the grantee's control. Grantees must submit a request for the no-cost extension no later than 30 days before the two-year anniversary of executing the Financial Assistance Agreement. This request must describe the extenuating circumstances that were beyond their control to complete the project for which the grant was awarded, and why an approval is in the government's best interest.

(2) Return of funds to the Agency. Funds remaining after grant closeout that exceed the amount the grantee is entitled to receive under the Financial Assistance Agreement will be returned to the Agency.