7 CFR § 4280.23 - Requirements for lending from Revolving Loan Fund.

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§ 4280.23 Requirements for lending from Revolving Loan Fund.

(a) Supplemental contribution. The Intermediary must establish a Revolving Loan Fund and contribute an amount equal to at least 20 percent of the Grant. The supplemental contribution must come from Intermediary's funds which may not be from other Federal Grants, unless permitted by law.

(b) Use of supplemental contribution. The Intermediary's contribution will only be used to make REDG loans and not other investment purposes. The Intermediary's contribution must remain a permanent part of the Revolving Loan Fund until the Fund is terminated.

(c) REDG Zero-Interest Loan Requirements. The Fund is made up of Rural Development and Intermediary contributions and must be loaned in accordance with one of the following 2 options:

(1) The contribution may be used to fund the same Project that Rural Development is funding. The interest rate on that portion of the financing using Rural Development funds will be at zero percent. The interest rate on that portion of the financing using the Intermediary's contribution may be greater than zero percent but must be less than, or equal to, the prevailing prime rate. Using this option, loan security and recovery of loan losses must provide for the pro rata recovery and distribution between the Intermediary and Rural Development based on the respective amounts of each contribution to the total loan amount for the Project.

(2) The Intermediary's contribution may be used to fund Projects separate from the Project financed with Rural Development funds, provided that the Project is eligible in accordance with § 4280.21.

(3) Whether the Intermediary chooses the option under paragraph (c)(1) or paragraph (c)(2) of this section, its contribution must be used to fund an eligible Project within 3 years from the date of the Grant agreement. If the Intermediary fails to use its contribution within this 3-year period, Rural Development will terminate the Grant.

(d) Intermediary's supplemental funds. Once revolved, monies from the Fund may be loaned at an interest rate called for in the Revolving Loan Fund Plan, not to exceed the prevailing prime rate.

(e) Eligible purposes only. Until the total amount in the Fund has been loaned, all loans must be made for eligible purposes as stated in § 4280.21. After the Fund has been loaned, in accordance with § 4280.21 of this subpart, the Intermediary shall make loans to finance rural economic development purposes in accordance with the Revolving Loan Fund Plan. All loan repayments, including interest earned, must be deposited into the Fund.

(f) Termination for cause. Rural Development will terminate the Fund and require repayment of the Grant funds if Rural Development determines that the Fund is not being operated according to the approved Revolving Loan Fund Plan, this subpart, or for other good cause determined by Rural Development, such as questionable prepayment of initial loans. As applicable, Rural Development will follow remedies for noncompliance, closeout and post-closeout adjustments and continuing responsibilities in accordance with 2 CFR 200.338-200.344 as codified by 2 CFR 400.1.

(g) All REDG Loans must be made to Rural Ultimate Recipients.

[72 FR 29843, May 30, 2007, as amended at 79 FR 76015, Dec. 19, 2014]