7 CFR § 4284.1102 - Organization of subpart.

§ 4284.1102 Organization of subpart.

This subpart is organized into distinct sections as described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.

(a) Sections 4284.1103 through 4284.1111 discuss definitions; exception authority; review or appeal rights; conflict of interest; USDA departmental regulations; other applicable laws; ineligible applicants; general applicant, application, and funding provisions; and notifications, which are applicable to funding the program under this subpart.

(b) Sections 4284.1112 and 4284.1113 discuss, respectively, applicant and project eligibility. Section 4284.1114 addresses funding provisions for these grants. Sections 4284.1115 through 4284.1120 address grant application content and required documentation, scoring, selection, awarding and administering grant applications, and servicing of grant awards.