7 CFR § 4284.1117 - Scoring RISE grant applications.

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§ 4284.1117 Scoring RISE grant applications.

The Agency will score each complete and eligible RISE application using the criteria specified in paragraphs (a) through (g) of this section, unless otherwise specified in a Federal Register notice, with a maximum score of 100 points possible. Points will be allowed only for factors indicated by well documented, reasonable plans which, in the opinion of the Agency, provide assurance that the items have a high probability of being accomplished. Points shall be awarded at the discretion of the Agency to scoring criteria with a minimum and maximum number of points available. Applicants that demonstrate the experience or ability to deliver the stated criteria will be awarded higher points in that criteria.

(a) Demonstrated readiness. The Partnership demonstrated readiness in administering the RISE grant successfully and shows strong documentation indicating the potential for success in establishing a jobs accelerator project which targets an industry cluster and the initiative(s) of the RISE grant program. Points are awarded on a scale of 0 to 10 with a maximum of 10 points being awarded.

(b) Targeted initiatives. A maximum of 15 points will be awarded for this criterion based on meeting the targeted initiatives as stated in § 4284.1115(b)(2)(xi) with action narratives outlined in the application on how and when the initiatives will be delivered. More points will be awarded for reasonable initiatives that can be delivered within 12 months of the grant award and for those projects leveraging improvements in high-speed broadband service to the region.

(c) Project support. Points will be awarded for the strength of local support of the RISE project and entrepreneurial commitment. A maximum of 15 points can be awarded for application materials that indicate the strength of support for the RISE project. Points will be awarded from the partnership's demonstration of its sources of funding, personnel and technical resources committed to the project, and a focus on the inclusion of institutional partners expanding access to capital and willingness to potentially invest in projects emerging from the jobs accelerator. Points shall also be awarded for demonstrated resources that will sustain the project beyond the term of the RISE grant period.

(d) Targeted region. A maximum of 20 points will be awarded for this criterion based on the region's demographics according to the latest census information. The applicant must provide adequate documentation to the latest census information to receive points.

(1) If the targeted region has a median household income of:

(i) 50% or less of state median household income; 5 points will be awarded;

(ii) Over 50% and up to 80% of state median household income; 3 points will be awarded.

(2) If the targeted region residents have the educational attainment of a bachelor's degree by:

(i) 10% or less of the population; 5 points will be awarded;

(ii) Over 10% and up to 30% of the population; 3 points will be awarded.

(3) Existing residents of the targeted region will receive direct career training for new employment or upscaling to a high-wage job; 5 points will be awarded.

(4) If the identified region has fewer than 50,000 residents according to the most recent decennial census; 5 points will be awarded.

(e) RISE grant funds requested. A maximum of 10 points will be awarded for this criterion if:

(1) The RISE grant request is for $500,000 to $750,000; 10 points will be awarded.

(2) The RISE grant request is for over $750,000 and up to $1,000,000; 5 points will be awarded.

(f) Regional impact. Points are awarded on a scale of 0 to 5 points for each category, with a total maximum of 20 points being awarded for this criterion. To receive points, the applicant must provide documentation to warrant strength on the following criteria, with points awarded for each:

(1) Targeted industry(ies) in the region is classified as an emerging industry;

(2) Applicant demonstrates that the targeted industry(ies) in the region hold a competitive advantage or will enhance their competitive advantage through the RISE project;

(3) Applicant demonstrates that industry provides significant support of regional assets, including broadband, and provides community and economic development support within the region;

(4) The RISE project's forecasted outcomes align with RISE objectives; and

(5) The RISE project will target support to existing industry(ies), whose significance in the region may be stagnant or on the decline but can be enhanced through the benefits of the RISE project.

(g) Administrator points. A maximum of 10 points will be awarded, with justification, at the discretion of the Agency Administrator, as announced in a Federal Register notice.