7 CFR § 58.50 - Approval and form of official identification.
(a) Any package label or packaging material which bears any official identification shall be used only in such manner as the Administrator may prescribe, and such official identification shall be of such form and contain such information as the Administrator may require. No label or packaging material bearing official identification shall be used unless finished copies or samples thereof have been approved by the Administrator.
(b) Inspection or grade mark permitted to be used to officially identify packages containing dairy products which are inspected or graded pursuant to this part shall be contained in a shield in the form and design indicated in Figures 1, 2, and 3 of this section or such other form, design, or wording as may be approved by the Administrator.
(c) Official identification under this subpart shall be limited to U.S. Grade B or higher or to an equivalent standard of quality for U.S. name grades or numerical score grades when U.S. standards for grades of a product have not been established.
(d) A sketch, proof, or photocopy of each proposed label or packaging material bearing official identification shall be submitted to the Chief of the Dairy Inspection Branch, Poultry and Dairy Quality Division, Agricultural Marketing Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250, for review and tentative approval prior to acquisition of a supply of material.
(e) The firm packaging the product shall furnish to the Chief four copies of the printed labels and packaging materials bearing official identification for final approval prior to use.