7 CFR § 631.2 - Definitions.

§ 631.2 Definitions.

The terms defined shall have the following meaning in this part and in all contracts, forms, documents, instructions, and procedures in connection therewith, unless the contract or subject matter requires otherwise.

Applicant. A land user who has requested in writing to participate in the GPCP.

Area conservationist. The NRCS employee who is the supervisor with primary responsibility for quality control. This person serves as contracting officer if designated by the state conservationist.

Chief. The Chief of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), USDA.

Conservation district (CD). A conservation district, soil conservation district, soil and water conservation district, natural resource district, or similar legally constituted body with which the Secretary of Agriculture cooperates pursuant to the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act. The members of governing bodies of these organizations may be known as supervisors, directors, or commissioners.

Conservation plan. A written record of the land user's decisions regarding planned land use and treatment, including estimates of extent and cost. The timing of applications for each practice and/or identifiable unit is scheduled in the conservation plan.

Conservation practice. A specific treatment which is planned and applied according to NRCS standards and specifications as a part of a resource management system for land, water, and related resources.

Contract. A legal document that binds both the participants and the federal government to carry out the terms and conditions of the conservation plan. The contract forms the basis for GPCP sharing the costs of implementing the conservation plan.

Contracting officer. The NRCS employee authorized to sign GPCP contracts on behalf of NRCS.

County program committee. A group of Federal, State, and local officials selected by the designated conservationist. The committee provides ideas to the designated conservationist regarding program development and interagency program coordination.

Designated county. A county within a Great Plains state that the Chief has designated for participation.

Designated conservationist. A district conservationist or other NRCS employee who the state conservationist has designated to be responsible for administration of the GPCP in a designated county.

District conservationist. The NRCS employee assigned to direct and supervise NRCS activities in one or more conservation districts.

Great Plains area. The area comprising those counties within the Great Plains states designated for GPCP participation.

Great Plains states. Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.

Identifiable unit. A discernibly distinct component of a conservation practice.

Land user. An individual, partnership, firm, joint-stock company, corporation, association, trust, estate, or other nonpublic legal entity having control of a unit of land. This definition includes two or more persons having a joint or common interest.

Life span. The period of time specified in the contract and/or operation and maintenance agreement during which the resource management systems of component practices are to be maintained and used for the intended purpose. Most practices will have a useful life beyond the specified life span.

Operation and maintenance agreement. A document signed by both the participant and the contracting officer outlining the operation and maintenance requirements for applied conservation treatment.

Operating unit. A parcel or parcels of land, whether contiguous or noncontiguous, constituting a single management unit for agricultural purposes.

Other land. Nonagricultural land on which erosion must be controlled to protect agricultural land and which can be covered by contract.

Participant. A land user who is a party to a GPCP contract.

Resource management system. A combination of conservation practices identified by the land or water use that, if installed, will protect or improve the soil or water resource base.

Specifications. Minimum guantity or quality requirements established by NRCS to meet the standard for a specific conservation practice.

State conservationist. The NRCS employee authorized to direct and supervise NRCS activities within the state.

State program committee. A group of Federal, state, and local officials selected by the state conservationist. The committee provides ideas to the state conservationist regarding program development, coordination, general policies, and operating procedures of GPCP in the state.

Technical assistance. Guidance provided to land users regarding the use and treatment of soil, water, plant, animal, and related resources. This assistance may include conservation plan formulation, application, and maintenance and is usually confined to those activities which the recipient could not reasonably be expected to do without specialized assistance.

Technical guide. A document containing detailed information on the conservation of soil, water, plant, animal, and related resources applicable specifically to the area for which it is prepared.