7 CFR § 650.10 - Adoption of an EIS prepared by a cooperating agency.

§ 650.10 Adoption of an EIS prepared by a cooperating agency.

(a) If NRCS adopts an EIS prepared by another Federal or State agency, the RFO is to review the document to insure that it meets the requirements of the CEQ regulations and NRCS-NEPA procedures.

(b) If the actions included in the EIS are substantially the same as those proposed by NRCS, the RFO is to recirculate the EIS as “final.” The final EIS is to include an appropriate explanation of the action. If these actions are not substantially the same, the EIS is to be supplemented and recirculated as a draft EIS. The RFO is to inform the preparing agency of the proposed action.

(c) If the adopted EIS is not final, if it is the subject of a referral under 40 CFR part 1504, or if the statement's adequacy is in litigation, the RFO is to include an appropriate explanation in the EIS.

(d) The RFO is to take appropriate action to inform the public and appropriate agencies of the proposed action.