7 CFR § 714.38 - Who may claim refund.

§ 714.38 Who may claim refund.

Claim for refund may be made by:

(a) Any person who was entitled to share in the price or consideration received by the producer with respect to the marketing of a commodity from which a deduction was made for the penalty and bore the burden of such deduction in whole or in part.

(b) Any person who was entitled to share in the commodity or the proceeds thereof, paid the penalty thereon in whole or in part and has not been reimbursed therefor.

(c) Any person who was entitled to share in the commodity or the proceeds thereof and bore the burden of the penalty because he has reimbursed the person who paid such penalty.

(d) Any person who, as buyer, paid the penalty in whole or in part in connection with the purchase of a commodity, was not required to collect or pay such penalty, did not deduct the amount of such penalty from the price paid the producer, and has not been reimbursed therefor.

(e) Any person who paid the penalty in whole or in part as a surety on a bond given to secure the payment of penalties and has not been reimbursed therefor.

(f) Any person who paid the whole or any part of the sum paid as a penalty with respect to a commodity included in a transaction which in fact was not a marketing of such commodity and has not been reimbursed therefor.