7 CFR § 800.81 - Sample requirements; general.

§ 800.81 Sample requirements; general.

(a) Samples for official sample-lot inspection service—(1) Original official sample-lot inspection service. For original sample-lot inspection purposes, an official sample shall be obtained by official personnel; representative of the grain in the lot; and protected from manipulation, substitution, and improper or careless handling.

(2) Official sample-lot reinspection and appeal inspection service. For an official sample-lot reinspection service or an official appeal sample-lot inspection service, the sample(s) on which the reinspection or appeal is determined shall (i) be obtained by official personnel and (ii) otherwise meet the requirements of paragraph (a)(1) of this section. If the reinspection or appeal inspection is determined on the basis of official file sample(s), the samples shall meet the requirements of § 800.82(d).

(3) New sample. Upon request and if practicable, a new sample shall be obtained and examined as a part of a reinspection or appeal inspection. The provision for a new sample shall not apply if obtaining the new sample involves a change in method of sampling.

(b) Representative sample. A sample shall not be considered representative unless it (1) has been obtained by official personnel, (2) is of the size prescribed in the instructions, and (3) has been obtained, handled, and submitted in accordance with the instructions. A sample which fails to meet the requirements of this paragraph may, upon request of the applicant, be inspected as a submitted sample.

(c) Protecting samples. Official personnel shall protect official samples, warehouseman's samples, and submitted samples from manipulation, substitution, or improper and careless handling which may deprive the samples of their representativeness or which may change the physical or chemical properties of the grain, as appropriate, from the time of sampling or receipt until the inspection services are completed and the file samples have been discarded.

(d) Restriction on sampling. Official personnel shall not perform an original inspection or a reinspection service on an official sample or a warehouseman's sample unless the grain from which the sample was obtained was located within the area of responsibility assigned to the agency or field office at the time of sampling, except as provided for in § 800.117, or on a case-by-case basis as determined by the Administrator.

(e) Disposition of samples—(1) Excess grain. Any grain in excess of the quantity specified in the instructions for the requested service, the file samples, and samples requested by interested persons shall be returned to the lot from which the grain was obtained or to the owner of the lot or the owner's order.

(2) Inspection samples. Inspection samples, after they have served their intended purpose, shall be disposed of as follows:

(i) Samples which contain toxic substances or materials shall be kept out of food and feed channels, and

(ii) Official personnel shall dispose of samples obtained or submitted to them according to procedures established by the Service. Complete and accurate records of disposition shall be maintained.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0580-0013)
[50 FR 49669, Dec. 4, 1985, as amended at 68 FR 19138, Apr. 18, 2003]