7 CFR § 9.101 - Definitions.

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§ 9.101 Definitions.

The following definitions apply to this subpart. The definitions in parts 718 and 1400 of this title also apply, except where they conflict with the definitions in this section.

All other cattle means commercially raised or maintained bovine animals not meeting the definition of another category of cattle in this subpart, excluding beefalo, bison, and animals used for dairy production or intended for dairy production.

Aquaculture means only those species as announced in a NOFA.

Cattle raised or maintained for breeding purposes means animals commercially raised or maintained for use as either a sire or dam for the production of livestock offspring or lactation.

Crop means non-specialty crops and specialty crops.

Feeder cattle 600 pounds or more means cattle weighing more than 600 pounds but less than the weight of slaughter cattle-fed cattle as defined in this section.

Feeder cattle less than 600 pounds means cattle weighing less than 600 pounds.

First quarter means January, February, and March of 2020.

Lambs and yearlings means all sheep less than 2 years old.

Non-specialty crop means any of the following crops: Barley, canola, corn, durum wheat, hard red spring wheat, millet, oats, sorghum, soybeans, sunflowers, and upland cotton. The term excludes crops intended for grazing.

Producer means a person or legal entity who shares in the risk of producing a crop or livestock and who is entitled to a share in the crop or livestock available for marketing or would have shared had the crop or livestock been produced and marketed. A contract grower who does not own the livestock, will be considered a producer if the contract allows the grower to have risk in the livestock.

Second quarter means April, May, and June of 2020.

Slaughter Cattle—fed cattle means cattle with a weight of 1,200 pounds or more that are intended for slaughter.

Slaughter cattle—mature cattle means culled cattle raised or maintained for breeding purposes, but which were removed from inventory and are intended for slaughter.

Specialty crops means any of the following crops: Almonds; apples; artichokes; asparagus; avocados; beans; blueberries; broccoli; cabbage; cantaloupe; carrots; cauliflower; celery; corn, sweet; cucumbers, eggplant; garlic; grapefruit; kiwifruit; lemons; lettuce, iceberg; lettuce, romaine; mushrooms; onions, dry; onions, green; oranges; papayas; peaches; pears; pecans; peppers, bell type; peppers, other; potatoes; raspberries; rhubarb; spinach; squash; strawberries; sweet potatoes; tangerines; taro; tomatoes; walnuts; watermelons; and any crops for which funds are made available. The term excludes crops intended for grazing.

Unpriced means not subject to an agreed-upon price in the future through a forward contract, agreement, or similar binding document as of January 15, 2020.

[85 FR 59385, Sept. 22, 2020, as amended at 88 FR 1876, Jan. 11, 2023]