7 CFR Appendix Exhibit B to Subpart A of Part 1924 - Exhibit B to Subpart A of Part 1924—Requirements for Modular/Panelized Housing Units

Exhibit B to Subpart A of Part 1924—Requirements for Modular/Panelized Housing Units

For the benefit of the Agency this exhibit prescribes evaluation, acceptance, inspection and certification procedures formodular/panelized housing units proposed for use in Agency Rural Housing programs. It applies to proposed development packages provided either under a contract between an Agency borrower and a single contractor or under a conditional commitment. This exhibit also describes the use of background information available through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for analysis of manufactured products. This exhibit also applies to the evaluation of manufactured farm service buildings in paragraph XI, below. For the purpose of this exhibit, County Supervisor and County Office also mean District Director and District Office, respectively.

I. Applicable Standards and Manuals.

A. The HUD Handbook 4950.1, Technical Suitability of Products Program Technical and Processing Procedures, must be followed by housing manufacturers to obtain acceptance of their products. Acceptance documents issued by HUD include: Structural Engineering Bulletins (SEB) on a national basis, Area Letters of Acceptance (ALA) which when accepted by all Area HUD Offices in a HUD region will, in essence, become Regional Letters of Acceptance (RLA), Truss Connector Bulletins (TCB): and, Mechanical Engineering Bulletins (MEB). These documents as well as the Use of Material Bulletins (UM) and Materials Release Bulletins (MR) are addendums to the HUD Minimum Property Standards (MPS), Under handbook guidelines, HUD also examines state agency regulations concerning design, construction and labeling of modular/panelized housing units and designates those states having procedures acceptable for use under HUD programs. Modular/panelized housing produced in these states is called Category III and is considered technically suitable for use without further structural analysis.

B. All Agency Offices should maintain a close working relationship with each HUD office in their jurisdiction to assure coordination. Any deviations in structure, materials or design from HUD acceptance documents must comply with one of the other applicable development standards.

II. Modular Housing Units that Require Factory Inspections.

Only those types which cannot be completely inspected on site are required to obtain acceptance from HUD. Those that receive acceptance will be periodically factory inspected by HUD or HUD's designated agency, usually about every 6 months.

III. Panelized Housing Units that Do Not Require Factory Inspections.

A. Housing completely assembled on the building site does not require HUD acceptance. This includes housing that is manufactured but is assembled on the site such as: Precut pieces, log wall houses, trussed roof rafters or floor trusses; open panel walls, and other types that can be completely inspected on site.

B. Housing that is assembled in local materials dealers' yards for moving to local sites and to be purchased by an Agency applicant, will be inspected during construction in the yard by the local Agency County representative. These units must be constructed according to the applicable development standard and not transported out of the local Agency County Office jurisdiction. The inspection must be recorded on Form RD 1924-12, “Inspection Report.”

IV. Manufacturer's Actions Required for Submissions to the Agency are listed in attachment 1 to this exhibit B.

V. State Agency Office Actions when Manufacturing Facilities are in its Jurisdiction. The State Office, upon receipt of manufacturer's submission, must:

A. Determine that the unit structural system has been accepted by HUD as appropriate under HUD Handbook 4950.1 requirements.

B. Review the thermal characteristics and approach of the calculations to determine actions to be taken in compliance with paragraph IV C of exhibit D of this subpart.

C. Review the proposal for compliance with § 1924.5(d)(1) of this subpart.

D. Determine that the prerequisites for consideration of acceptance by the Agency are met. The prerequisites include all of the following:

1. A current acceptance document from HUD (SEB, RLA, ALA), except for Category III housing (modular/panelized housing that does not have to have a Structural Engineering Bulletin as designated by HUD). In Category III states, the state government requirements for manufactured housing must be followed.

2. A current HUD Factory Inspection Report, Form No. 2051m, or in the case of Category III housing, a copy of the inspection report from the state government or accepted third party performing the factory inspection. Each report must be made by HUD or a HUD authorized agency, and must be no older than 6 months.

3. A letter from the manufacturer requesting a review for acceptance. Enclosed with the letter shall be all the information listed in attachment 1 to this exhibit B.

E. Issue acceptance letters to the manufacturer stating the conditions of acceptance in the format of attachment 2 to this exhibit B. The letter shall have an attachment listing all models accepted in the format of attachment 3 to this exhibit B. A copy of the acceptance letter and list of models shall be sent to each County Office in the state and, when requested by the manufacturer, to each other Agency State Office in which the product is to be marketed.

F. After initial review of a submission, maintain a master file of accepted manufacturers and models and review the file twice yearly to determine the currency of the factory inspection reports and HUD or state government acceptance documents.

G. Notify manufacturers of overdue factory inspection reports, for acceptance of documents review and updating, using the format of attachment 4 to this exhibit B. Accompanying the notification will be a temporary acceptance sheet (Attachment 3 to this exhibit B) indicating to the manufacturer that the company models have temporary acceptance for 60 days. If the manufacturer provides evidence that a review is being processed by HUD, a maximum of an additional 90 days may be granted. Otherwise, the acceptance shall terminate on the last extension date and it will be necessary for the manufacturer to resubmit as if for initial acceptance.

H. Distribute a list of added models, deleted models, or notice of deletion of any manufacturer's product to the County Offices and other State Agency Offices as necessary.

I. Issue an initial supply of Manufacturer's and Builder's Certification forms (Attachment 5 to this exhibit B) to each existing and newly accepted manufacturer. Manufacturers are to duplicate this form as necessary in their market areas.

J. Resolve any problems with the manufacturer, as reported by the County Office. Action may include coordination, Agency plant inspections or cancellation of acceptance letters when problems persist.

VI. County Office Actions:

A. When an application is received involving any of the manufacturer's products on the accepted list, the County Office Agency authorized personnel will:

1. Review the drawings and description of materials described in paragraphs A and B of attachment 1 to this exhibit B. The floor plans and elevations must be identifiable with the model listed in the accepted list issued by the State Office.

2. Require the builder/dealer or manufacturer to provide any drawings necessary to adapt the house to the site conditions where the house will be located.

3. Require site plan drawing such as those illustrated in attachments 1 and 2 to exhibit C of this subpart (available in any Agency office).

4. Inspect and identify the model delivered against the manufacturer's certification and the accepted drawings and description of materials before the unit has been set on the foundation.

5. Require the builder/dealer to certify that the work for which the builder/dealer is responsible has been erected in compliance with the applicable development standard. This certification will be completed on a copy of attachment 5 to this exhibit B, and filed in County Office case file.

6. Observe any noncompliance with the applicable development standard or with paragraphs IV and V of this exhibit B. In this respect:

a. Minor noncompliance will be resolved by the manufacturer through the builder/dealer. In cases where there is no builder/dealer, the County Office may resolve such issues with the manufacturer directly.

b. Noncompliance that cannot be resolved at the County Office level will be reported to the State Office.

7. Inspect manufactured housing according to § 1924.8(d) of this subpart.

8. Be aware that the accepted list may include many models from which loan applicants may choose. No changes from accepted model designs are permitted. The model selected by an applicant should be appropriate to the needs of that particular family in accordance with 7 CFR part 3550.

VII. Noncompliance Issues.

A. When minor issues are noted, the County Office will attempt to resolve them as described above. If they cannot be resolved locally, they will be referred to the State Office. When any issues cannot be resolved at State Office level, the National Office Program Support Staff (PSS) will be contacted for guidance.

B. The National Office PSS coordinating with HUD, will take the appropriate actions to resolve the issues reported.

C. Manufacturers and builder/dealers must be aware that if the Agency inspector finds any of the following conditions, the inspector may refuse to accept the construction until corrections have been made:

1. Evidence of noncompliance with any option of the method described in the HUD—SEB, RLA, or ALA.

2. Faulty shop fabrication, including surface defects.

3. Damage to shop fabricated items or materials due to transportation, improper storage, handling or assembly operation.

4. Unsatisfactory field or site workmanship.

VIII. Actions by Other State Offices. When a State Office receives a copy of the accepted list from the State Office in which a manufacturing plant is located, it will:

A. Maintain a file, by manufacturer, of each accepted list of models.

B. Provide copies of the accepted list of models to each County Office in the State.

C. Request a copy of the drawings, description of materials, and thermal calculations to determine compliance with the thermal requirements for the county in which the house is to be located according to exhibit D of this subpart.

D. Check to see that County Offices within the state will act as prescribed in paragraph VI of this exhibit B.

E. When two or more State Offices have different interpretations of the acceptability of a particular model, there must be an agreement between the states so that they will have the same requirements. If the states cannot agree, the National Office PSS will be consulted for guidance.

IX. Subsequent Review.

The Agency will make periodic reviews of houses, both site-built and houses manufactured offsite, to determine acceptability of the finished product. If, in the judgment of the Agency, the product has failed to perform satisfactorily, acceptance may be withdrawn. The State Director will notify the manufacturer and/or the builder/dealer of the reasons for the withdrawal no later than the time of withdrawal. Negotiations for corrections will be carried out by the County Office with the assistance of the State Office or National Office, as necessary.

X. Materials and Products Acceptance—Material Release Bulletins, Use of Materials Bulletins, Manufacturer's Instructions.

A. The Materials Release (MR) and Use of Materials Bulletins (UM) provide for the national acceptance of specific nonstandard materials and products not covered in the current HUD MPS.

B. When contractors or builders intend to use products or materials not listed as approved in the MPS, the Agency personnel reviewing or concerned with the approval of construction in which the product is to be used, will require the contractor or builder to furnish a Materials Release Bulletin or Use of Materials Bulletin on the materials or products. If the product has been accepted, the supplier should be able to obtain the bulletin for the contractor or builder from the manufacturer. These bulletins describe the products or materials limitations to use, method of installing or applying, approved type of fasteners, if used, etc. and will provide the contractor with instructions as to proper installation or application.

C. When Agency personnel are unfamiliar with any materials or products which have been accepted in the MPS, they will request the contractor or builder to furnish the manufacturer's instructions to assure that the materials or products are properly installed or applied. Any questions on any product that cannot be resolved in the County Office should be referred to the State Office. When the question cannot be resolved at the State Office level, the National Office PSS should be consulted for guidance.

XI. Manufactured Farm Service Buildings.

A. When a loan application is received that involves a manufactured building or special equipment that cannot be completely inspected on the site, the local State Land Grant University recommendations should be requested.

B. When the County Office questions the advisability of making a loan on a manufactured building, the State Office should also be consulted.

C. The State Office should review and make recommendations to the County Office. If doubt still exists, the National Office PSS should be consulted for guidance.

Attachment 1—Required Information for Acceptance of Modular/Panelized Housing Units

The manufacturer or sponsor of modular/panelized housing units wishing to participate in the Agency Rural Housing programs shall submit to the Agency State Director having jurisdiction over the state in which the proposed housing is to be manufactured, two complete sets of the information listed below for evaluation. Submissions not including all the information requested will be returned.

A. Statements:

1. Name and location of organization, including titles and names of its principal officers.

2. A brief description of plant facilities.

3. Extent of intended market distribution, including a list of any other states in which units will be marketed.

4. The method of quality control during site installation.

5. A copy of the applicable current HUD Structural Engineering Bulletin (SEB), Regional Letter of Acceptance (RLA), or Area Letter of Acceptance (ALA).

6. A current factory inspection report made within 6 months by HUD or HUD authorized agency.

7. Name and address of any third party inspection agency.

8. Location of nearest assembled product for inspection.

9. Field manuals for site installation and/or set-up procedures.

10. Specifications or descriptions of materials using either Form RD 1924-2, (HUD-FHA Form 2005), “Description of Materials,” including sizes, species and grade of all building and finishing materials. All blanks should be filled and additional sheets may be attached as well as equipment manufacturer's brochures. Use an asterisk (*) to denote all items of onsite construction that will be provided by the builder-dealer. The builder-dealer must complete a form for the builder-dealer's portion of the work. Use N/A in any blank which is not applicable.

11. Names and addresses of other public and private agencies which have rendered or been asked to render a technical suitability or acceptance determination with respect to the products or structural methods employed.

12. Written certification that construction drawings and specifications conform with the applicable development standard.

13. Any other pertinent information.

14. An index of all documents submitted.

B. Working Drawings. For emphasis as to the details required for modular/panelized housing proposals, the following items are listed in addition to and in more detail than the requirements in exhibit C of this subpart. In some cases, the drawing presentation sheets may be required to be reduced to 200 mm by 266 mm (8 × 10 1/2 inches) sheet size:

1. Foundation and/or Basement Plan. This plan shall include anchorage details, exterior and interior dimensions, typical footings, wall thickness, pilaster sizes and locations, column or pier sizes and locations and girders required to support the structures. Show location of all equipment (furnace, water heater, laundry tubs, sump, etc.) floor drains, electrical outlets, electrical entrance panels, and all doors and windows or crawl space vents with all sizes indicated.

2. Floor Plans of all levels. Show square footage of each habitable room with square footage of each area of natural light and ventilation. In addition, a design sketch scaled properly to illustrate a typical furniture arrangement for all habitable levels is required to indicate intended occupancy functions of the design. A window and door schedule should also be provided indicating glazed size, sash size, and thermal conductance of each type.

3. All exterior elevations including opening and sizes; wall finish materials, flashing, finish grades intended, depth of footings when known, finish floor, ceiling heights, roof slope, location of downspouts, gutters, vents for both structural spaces and for equipment. Indicate construction joint locations and details of connections between sections, modules or components.

4. Building cross sections showing size and spaces of all framing members from lowest member (bottom of footing) to highest point of roof (ridge) plus;

(a) Type of material and method of application of all covering materials, such as subflooring, combination subflooring and underlayment, sheathing, interior and exterior finishes;

(b) Complete details including computations of trussed rafter systems with the architect/engineer's stamp of those responsible for the design.

(c) Details of insulation and vapor barrier installation and attic ventilation. If the thermal characteristics to be provided are determined according to optional method for overall structure performance allowed in exhibit D of this subpart, the submission and complete engineering calculations with all details of construction shall be sent to Administrator, Attn. PSS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250, for analysis as prescribed in paragraph IV C of exhibit D of this subpart.

(d) Special details as necessary to show any special features of construction, including method of fabricating, erection, joining, and finishing of all elements; and

(e) Details and sections of stairways including all critical dimensions, such as, riser, run and headroom.

5. Interior elevations of kitchen cabinets and bathroom elevations with schedule of all shelf, counter-top and drawer footage. Indicate whether kitchen cabinets are to be custom made for each model or made for any model by a cabinet manufacturing company.

6. Plumbing schematics, including pipe materials, sizes and plumbing code compliance.

7. Heating plan, including heat loss of each room, is needed for heating systems, sizings and capacities, forced air, electric baseboard, or electric space heaters and, if applicable, heat gain. For forced air systems, include supply and return duct layout and location of appropriate diffusers.

8. Electrical plan, including circuit chart or diagram.

9. Any other pertinent facts or drawings that will better explain why and how certain unusual materials or structural methods are employed.

Attachment 2
John Dough Manufacturing Company,
3444 Residence Avenue,
Elkton, Indiana 00051.

Dear Sirs: Athough the documents submitted to this office have only received a cursory review, they appear to be in substantial compliance to qualify your firm for the type of acceptance indicated on the attached list.

The acceptance being issued is subject to this letter of conditions, compliance with HUD Handbook 4950.1 Technical Suitability of Products Program Technical and Processing Procedures, compliance with Agency) Thermal Performance Construction Standards, and compliance with the conditions set forth in the HUD acceptance document, if applicable, whose number appears on the acceptance.

The manufacturer and the authorized builder-dealer bear the responsibility of complying with the above, the exhibits submitted and the applicable development standards.

The manufacturer and/or builder-dealer also shall:

1. Provide positive identification of the modular unit by model, date of manufacture and factory in which the unit was manufactured.

2. Furnish with each home to be financed by the Agency in ______(State)______, a written certificate (Attachment 5 to this exhibit B) endorsed by the builder-dealer certifying that all requirements have been satisfied.

3. Furnish the local Agency County Supervisor with a complete set of drawings including site plans, description of materials, structural engineering bulletins when applicable in the state, and documentation relating to the manufacture, transportation, erection, and installation for each model of modular/panelized housing to be financed in the county. Electrical, plumbing and heating plans must be furnished for each model in addition to the basic drawings. Floor plans and elevation drawings may vary from those listed in attachment 1 of exhibit B to RD Instruction 1924-A to reflect each of the manufacturer's models provided they are in compliance with the applicable development standard and the Agency Thermal Performance Construction Standards and provided they have been accepted and listed in this state's approval of manufactured structures. No field alterations to the accepted models will be allowed.

4. Furnish, when required by the County Supervisor, foundation drawings (including special foundation design considerations when the unit is to be erected in seismic zones 1, 2 or 3) adapting the modular home to any unusual site conditions needing information additional to that furnished by the standard drawings.

5. Furnish the County Office with a copy of inspection reports of the manufacturing facilities immediately after the inspection reports have been completed.

6. Allow RD personnel to inspect the manufacturing facilities at any time and furnish all Agency State Offices, where acceptance has been obtained, with a copy of any Agency inspection reports immediately after the inspection reports have been completed.

7. In the event there are major changes to the submitted drawings, obtain approval under the HUD Technical Suitability of Products Program and submit verification of this approval to the County Office for listing on the state's accepted list. Any modular home shipped with major changes incorporated, without such changes on file at the County Office may be rejected.

(Add state and local requirements appropriate to this letter of conditions.)

This acceptance may be subject to corrective action when deficiencies are noted in the product, field inspections, manufacturing facilities, or when there is noncompliance with the provisions of the HUD Technical Suitability of Products Program.

The inclusion of these models on the accepted list is based only on the material and structural aspects of the manufactured units. Final determination of acceptability rests with RD personnel. Other factors relating to the property in its entirety such as appraisal, location, sustained market acceptance, architectural planning and appeal, thermal qualities, mechanical and electrical equipment, etc., must be considered in the final determination.

Your cooperation in this acceptance program is appreciated.


State Director
Attachment 3
Date ______ File No. ______
Acceptance of Modular/Panelized Housing Units
(Based on HUD Handbook 4950.1)
______ Acceptance Document ______
______ Type of Acceptance:
______ ____ Regular
______ ____ Temporary, Expires ______
Plant Locations:
Date of Latest Plans
Date of Latest Factory
Acceptance Document Review
FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 Instruction 1924-A, exhibit D
Thermal Performance Construction Standards
State Office Review
(Exh. D, IV, C, 1, a or b)
National Office Review
(Exh. D, IV, C, 2)
Maximum Winter Degree Days for
State ______ Walls R ______
Glazing/Gross Wall Area Ratio ______%
Ceilings R ______
Glazing ______ Pane(s)
Floor R ______
Glazing ______ Pane(s)
Insulated Door ______
Wood and Storm ______
Insulated Door ______
Wood and Storm ______
Models Accepted:
Attachment 4
John Dough Manufacturing Company,
3444 Residence Avenue,
Elktown, Indiana 00051.

Dear Sirs: As set forth in acceptance letters issued by this office, acceptance of modular/panelized homes in this state is based on HUD's Technical Suitability of Products Program and the conditions stated in the acceptance letter. Your file has been reviewed and the following has been noted.

____An inspection report of your manufacturing facilities is overdue. Inspections are required twice yearly. The last inspection report on file at this office is dated ______.
____Your Structural Engineering Bulletin No. ____ dated ____ has not been reviewed by HUD. Reviews are generally required every three years. Temporary acceptance will be considered when you provide evidence that the review documents have been submitted to HUD.
____The drawings being used for the construction of your homes are not listed in your Structural Engineering Bulletins. Drawings used in the field should be those upon which the Structural Engineering Bulletin was issued.
____There have been ____ revisions to the development standards since ______, the date of the last drawings we have on file for your homes. It is recommended that you review the revisions to ascertain whether your drawings need to be updated.

Please submit a written response and appropriate documents for the above items within ____ days, or your product will be removed from the accepted list until your firm can again qualify. If you have any problems furnishing the above within the time stated, please contact this office.

We look forward to receiving the materials indicated so that your firm's listing may be continued.


State Director
Attachment 5
Certification by Manufacturer
Delivery location of structure
for component
This is to certify that
Model: ____________,
Serial # ____________,
manufactured ______
(date) ______, 19 __ in
____ (location) ______
and being sold to ______
(name of ____________
builder-dealer or borrower) has been manufactured in accordance with drawings and specifications on file in the Agency State Office and that the construction complies with applicable development standards, except as modified by HUD Acceptance Document (SEB, RLA, ALA,)
NO. ____________,
dated ________,
and in compliance with the Agency Thermal Performance Construction Standards.
Signature of Authorized Official
Certification by Builder-Dealer
______ (Name of
builder-dealer) ______
certifies that the foundation and other on-site work has been constructed in accordance with the drawings and specifications and the above structure or component has been erected, installed or applied in compliance with the applicable development standards.

It is understood that the manufacturer's certification does not relieve the builder/dealer of responsibility under the terms of the builder's warranty required by the National Housing Act.

Signature of Authorized Official
[52 FR 8002, Mar. 13, 1987, as amended at 67 FR 78327, Dec. 24, 2002; 80 FR 9872, Feb. 24, 2015]