7 CFR Subpart A - Subpart A—Order Regulating Handling of Pecans
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Definitions (§§ 986.1 - 986.43)
- § 986.1 Accumulator.
- § 986.2 Act.
- § 986.3 Affiliation.
- § 986.4 Blowouts.
- § 986.5 To certify.
- § 986.6 Confidential data or information.
- § 986.7 Container.
- § 986.8 Council.
- § 986.9 Crack.
- § 986.10 Cracks.
- § 986.11 Custom harvester.
- § 986.12 Department or USDA.
- § 986.13 Disappearance.
- § 986.14 Farm Service Agency.
- § 986.15 Fiscal year.
- § 986.16 Grade and size.
- § 986.17 Grower.
- § 986.18 Grower-cleaned production.
- § 986.19 Handler.
- § 986.20 To handle.
- § 986.21 Handler inventory.
- § 986.22 Handler-cleaned production.
- § 986.23 Hican.
- § 986.24 Inshell pecans.
- § 986.25 Inspection Service.
- § 986.26 Inter-handler transfer.
- § 986.27 Merchantable pecans.
- § 986.28 Pack.
- § 986.29 Pecans.
- § 986.30 Person.
- § 986.31 Production area.
- § 986.32 Proprietary capacity.
- § 986.33 Regions.
- § 986.34 Representative period.
- § 986.35 Secretary.
- § 986.36 Sheller.
- § 986.37 Shelled pecans.
- § 986.38 Stick-tights.
- § 986.39 Trade supply.
- § 986.40 Unassessed inventory.
- § 986.41 Varieties.
- § 986.42 Warehousing.
- § 986.43 Weight.
Administrative Body (§§ 986.45 - 986.58)
- § 986.45 American Pecan Council.
- § 986.46 Council nominations and voting.
- § 986.47 Alternate members.
- § 986.48 Eligibility.
- § 986.49 Acceptance.
- § 986.50 Term of office.
- § 986.51 Vacancy.
- § 986.52 Council expenses.
- § 986.53 Powers.
- § 986.54 Duties.
- § 986.55 Procedure.
- § 986.56 Right of the Secretary.
- § 986.57 Funds and other property.
- § 986.58 Reapportionment and reestablishment of regions.
Expenses, Assessments, and Marketing Policy (§§ 986.60 - 986.65)
Authorities Relating to Research, Promotion, Data Gathering, Packaging, Grading, Compliance, and Reporting (§§ 986.67 - 986.72)
Reports, Books, and Other Records (§§ 986.75 - 986.82)
- § 986.75 Reports of handler inventory.
- § 986.76 Reports of merchantable pecans handled.
- § 986.77 Reports of pecans received by handlers.
- § 986.78 Other handler reports.
- § 986.79 Verification of reports.
- § 986.80 Certification of reports.
- § 986.81 Confidential information.
- § 986.82 Books and other records.
Additional Provisions (§§ 986.86 - 986.99)
- § 986.86 Exemptions.
- § 986.87 Compliance.
- § 986.88 Duration of immunities.
- § 986.89 Separability.
- § 986.90 Derogation.
- § 986.91 Liability.
- § 986.92 Agents.
- § 986.93 Effective time.
- § 986.94 Termination.
- § 986.95 Proceedings after termination.
- § 986.96 Amendments.
- § 986.97 Counterparts.
- § 986.98 Additional parties.
- § 986.99 Order with marketing agreement.