8 CFR § 280.51 - Application for mitigation or remission.

§ 280.51 Application for mitigation or remission.

(a) When application may be filed. An application for mitigation or remission of a fine may be filed as provided under § 280.12 of this part; or, within 30 days after the date of receipt of the district director's or the Associate Commissioner for Examinations, or the Director for the National Fines Office's decision to impose a fine whether or not the applicant responded to the Notice of Intention to Fine.

(b) Form and contents of application. An application for mitigation or remission shall be filed in duplicate under oath and shall include information, supported by documentary evidence, as to the basis of the claim to mitigation or remission, and as to the action, if any, which may have been taken by the applicant, or as to the circumstances present in the case which, in the opinion of the applicant, justified the granting of his application.

(c) Disposition of application. The application, if filed with the answer, shall be disposed of as provided in § 280.13. In any other case the application shall be considered and decided by the district director or the Associate Commissioner for Examinations, or the Director for the National Fines Office from whose decision an appeal may be taken to the Board as provided in 8 CFR part 1003.

[22 FR 9808, Dec. 6, 1957, as amended at 23 FR 9124, Nov. 26, 1958; 46 FR 28624, May 28, 1981; 54 FR 18649, May 2, 1989; 76 FR 74629, Dec. 1, 2011]