9 CFR § 104.6 - Products for transit shipment only.

§ 104.6 Products for transit shipment only.

An application for a permit for Transit Shipment Only shall be required when a biological product is being shipped from one foreign country to another foreign country by way of the United States. The shipment shall move under a permit subject to the following restrictions:

(a) The shipment shall be confined to the carrier at all times when such shipment is to transit the United States on the same carrier on which it arrived. If the shipment is to be transferred to a carrier other than the one on which it shall arrive into the United States, a schedule of arrival and departure of each shipment shall be furnished by the permittee to Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service prior to arrival in the United States.

(b) The permittee shall be responsible to Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service for handling, storing, and forwarding of the biological product. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service shall be notified of all shipments received and forwarded by the permittee and an accurate accounting shall be made.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0013)
[38 FR 32916, Nov. 29, 1973, as amended at 48 FR 57473, Dec. 30, 1983; 56 FR 66784, Dec. 26, 1991; 61 FR 52873, Oct. 9, 1996]