9 CFR § 161.4 - Standards for accredited veterinarian duties.

§ 161.4 Standards for accredited veterinarian duties.

An accredited veterinarian shall perform the functions of an accredited veterinarian only in a State in which the accredited veterinarian is licensed or legally able to practice veterinary medicine. An accredited veterinarian shall perform the functions of an accredited veterinarian and carry out all responsibilities under applicable Federal programs and cooperative programs subject to direction provided by the Veterinary Official and in accordance with any regulations and instructions issued to the accredited veterinarian by the Veterinary Official, and shall observe the following specific standards:

(a) An accredited veterinarian shall not issue a certificate, form, record or report which reflects the results of any inspection, test, vaccination or treatment performed by him or her with respect to any animal, other than those in regular health maintenance programs, unless he or she has personally inspected that animal within 10 days prior to issuance. Inspections under this paragraph must be conducted in a location that allows the accredited veterinarian sufficient space to observe the animal in such a manner as to detect abnormalities related to areas such as, but not limited to, locomotion, body excretion, respiration, and skin conditions. An accredited veterinarian shall examine such an animal showing abnormalities, in order to determine whether or not there is clinical evidence compatible with the presence or absence of a communicable disease.

(1) Following the first two inspections of a herd or flock as part of a regular health maintenance program, an accredited veterinarian shall not issue a certificate, form, record or report which reflects the results of any inspection, test, vaccination or treatment performed by him or her with respect to any animal in that program, unless he or she has personally inspected that animal within 10 days prior to issuance.

(2) Following the third and subsequent inspections of a herd or flock in a regular health maintenance program, an accredited veterinarian shall not issue a certificate, form, record or report which reflects the results of any inspection, test, vaccination or treatment performed by him or her with respect to any animal in that program, unless he or she has personally inspected that animal within 30 days prior to issuance.

(b) An accredited veterinarian shall not issue, or allow to be used, any certificate, form, record or report, until, and unless, it has been accurately and fully completed, clearly identifying the animals to which it applies, and showing the dates and results of any inspection, test, vaccination, or treatment the accredited veterinarian has conducted, except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, and the dates of issuance and expiration of the document. Certificates, forms, records, and reports shall be valid for 30 days following the date of inspection of the animal identified on the document, except that origin health certificates may be valid for a longer period of time as provided in § 91.3(a) of this chapter. The accredited veterinarian must distribute copies of certificates, forms, records, and reports according to instructions issued to him or her by the Veterinary Official.

(c) An accredited veterinarian shall not issue any certificate, form, record, or report which reflects the results of any inspection, test, vaccination, or treatment performed by another accredited veterinarian, unless:

(1) The signing accredited veterinarian has exercised reasonable care, that is, a standard of care that a reasonably prudent person would use under the circumstances in the course of performing professional duties, to determine that the certificate, form, or report is accurate;

(2) The certificate, form, or report indicates that the inspection, test, vaccination, or treatment was performed by the other accredited veterinarian; identifies the other accredited veterinarian by name; and includes the date and the place where such inspection, test, or vaccination was performed; and,

(3) For a certificate, form, or report indicating results of a laboratory test, the signing accredited veterinarian shall keep a copy of the certificate, form, or report and shall attach to it either a copy of the test results issued by the laboratory, or a written record (including date and participants' names) of a conversation between the signing accredited veterinarian and the laboratory confirming the test results.

(d) An accredited veterinarian shall perform official tests, inspections, treatments, and vaccinations and shall submit specimens to designated laboratories in accordance with Federal and State regulations and instructions issued to the accredited veterinarian by the Veterinary Official.

(e) An accredited veterinarian shall identify or be physically present to supervise the identification of reactor animals by tagging or such other method as may be prescribed in instructions issued to him or her by the Veterinary Official or by a State Animal Health Official through the Veterinary Official.

(f) An accredited veterinarian shall immediately report to the Veterinary Official and the State Animal Health Official all diagnosed or suspected cases of a communicable animal disease for which a APHIS has a control or eradication program in 9 CFR chapter I, and all diagnosed or suspected cases of any animal disease not known to exist in the United States as provided by § 71.3(b) of this chapter.

(g) While performing accredited work, an accredited veterinarian shall take such measures of sanitation as are necessary to prevent the spread of communicable diseases of animals by the accredited veterinarian.

(h) An accredited veterinarian shall keep himself or herself currently informed on Federal and State regulations that are provided to him or her by the Veterinary Official, or by a State official through the Veterinary Official, governing the movement of animals, and on procedures applicable to disease control and eradication programs, including emergency programs.

(i) An accredited veterinarian shall not use or dispense in any manner, any pharmaceutical, chemical, vaccine or serum, or other biological product authorized for use under any Federal regulation or cooperative disease eradication program, in contravention of applicable Federal or State statutes, regulations, and policies.

(j) An accredited veterinarian shall be responsible for the security and proper use of all official certificates, forms, records, and reports; tags, bands, or other identification devices; and approved digital signature capabilities used in his or her work as an accredited veterinarian and shall take reasonable care to prevent the misuse thereof. An accredited veterinarian shall immediately report to the Veterinary Official the loss, theft, or deliberate or accidental misuse of any such certificate, form, record, or report; tag, band, or other identification device; or approved digital signature capability.

(k) An accredited veterinarian may issue an origin health certificate for export use pursuant to part 91 of this chapter without including test results from a laboratory, if the Veterinary Official has determined that such action is necessary to save time in order to meet an exportation schedule and agrees to add the test results to the certificate at a later time. In such cases, the accredited veterinarian shall state on a removable attachment to the certificate that such test results are to be added by the Veterinary Official.

[57 FR 54912, Nov. 23, 1992; 58 FR 8820, Feb. 17, 1993; 60 FR 39842, Aug. 4, 1995; 60 FR 55443, Nov. 1, 1995; 62 FR 25445, May 9, 1997; 67 FR 11561, Mar. 15, 2002. Redesignated at 74 FR 65011, Dec. 9, 2009, as amended at 85 FR 10565, Feb. 25, 2020]