9 CFR § 327.14 - Marking of products and labeling of immediate containers thereof for importation.

§ 327.14 Marking of products and labeling of immediate containers thereof for importation.

(a) Product which is offered for importation, and which is susceptible of marking, shall, whether or not enclosed in an immediate container, bear the name of the country of origin, preceded by the words “product of”; the establishment number assigned by the foreign meat inspection system and certified to the Program; and such other markings as are necessary for compliance with part 316 of this subchapter. When such markings are imprints of stamps or brands made with branding ink, such ink shall be harmless and shall create permanent imprints. In case the name of the country of origin appears as part of an official mark of the national foreign government and such name is prominently and legibly displayed, the words “product of” may be omitted.

(b) In addition to the marking of products required under paragraph (a) of this section, the immediate container of any product offered for importation:

(1) Shall bear a label showing in accordance with § 317.2 of this subchapter all information required by that section (except that the establishment number assigned by the foreign meat inspection system and certified to the Program and the official inspection mark of the foreign meat inspection system shall be shown instead of the official inspection legend of the United States) and in addition the name of the country of origin preceded by the words “product of,” immediately under the name or descriptive designation of the product as required by § 317.2: Provided, That such establishment number may be omitted from a label lithographed directly on a can if said number is lithographed or embossed elsewhere on the can; and

(2) Shall, if such immediate container is a sealed metal container, have the establishment number assigned by the foreign meat inspection authority and certified by the Program embossed or lithographed on the sealed metal container, and such establishment number shall not be covered or obscured by any label or other means.

(c) All marks and other labeling for use on or with immediate containers, as well as private brands on carcasses or parts of carcasses, must be approved by the Food Safety and Inspection Service in accordance with part 412 of this chapter before products bearing such marks, labeling, or brands will be entered into the United States. The marks of inspection of foreign systems embossed on metal containers or branded on carcasses or parts thereof need not be submitted to the Food Safety and Inspection Service for approval, and such marks of inspection put on stencils, box dies, labels, and brands may be used on such immediate containers as tierces, barrels, drums, boxes, crates, and large-size fiberboard containers of foreign products without such marks of inspection being submitted for approval, provided the markings made by such articles are applicable to the product and are not false or misleading.

[35 FR 15610, Oct. 3, 1970, as amended at 51 FR 37707, Oct. 24, 1986; 60 FR 67456, Dec. 29, 1995; 78 FR 66837, Nov. 7, 2013]