Petitions for rehearing.

Petitions for rehearing.
(1) Following the Commission's repayment determination or a final determination that a candidate is not entitled to all or a portion of post-election funding under 11 CFR 9004.9(f), the candidate may file a petition for rehearing setting forth the relief desired and the legal and factual basis in support. To be considered by the Commission, petitions for rehearing must:
(i) Be filed within 20 calendar days following service of the Commission's repayment determination or final determination;
(ii) Raise new questions of law or fact that would materially alter the Commission's repayment determination or final determination; and
(iii) Set forth clear and convincing grounds why such questions were not and could not have been presented during the original determination process.
(2) If a candidate files a timely petition under this section challenging a Commission repayment determination, the time for repayment will be suspended until the Commission serves notice on the candidate of its determination on the petition. The time periods for making repayment under 11 CFR 9007.2(d) shall apply to any amounts determined to be repayable following the Commission's consideration of a petition for rehearing under this section.


11 CFR § 9007.5

Scoping language

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