Catastrophic coverage

Catastrophic coverage means:
(1) For insured crops, the coverage offered by the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) under section 508(b) of the Federal Crop Insurance Act.
(2) For eligible NAP crops, coverage at the following levels due to an eligible cause of loss impacting the NAP covered crop during the coverage period:
(i) Prevented planting in excess of 35 percent of the intended acres;
(ii) A yield loss in excess of 50 percent of the approved yield;
(iii) A value loss in excess of 50 percent; or
(iv) An animal-unit-days (AUD) loss greater than 50 percent of expected AUD.


7 CFR § 1437.3

Scoping language

The terms and definitions in this section apply to NAP. The terms and definitions in part 718 of this title and part 1400 of this chapter also apply to NAP, except where those same terms are defined in this section. In that case, the terms and definitions of this section apply.

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