
Examples. These examples are effective for reporting for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 1988.
(1) At the beginning of the plan year, XYZ plan has 10 percent of the current value of its plan assets invested in ABC common stock. Halfway through the plan year, XYZ purchases ABC common stock in a single transaction in an amount equal to 6 percent of the current value of plan assets. At about this time, XYZ plan also purchases a commercial development property in an amount equal to 8 percent of the current value of plan assets. Under paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section, the 6 percent stock transaction is a reportable transaction for the plan year because it exceeds 5 percent of the current value of plan assets. The 8 percent land transaction is also reportable under paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section because it exceeds 5 percent of the current value of plan assets.
(2) During the plan year, AAA plan purchases a commercial lot from ZZZ corporation at a cost equal to 2 percent of the current value of the plan assets. Two months later, AAA plan loans ZZZ corporation an amount of money equal to 3.5 percent of the current value of plan assets. Under the provisions of paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section, the plan has engaged in a reportable series of transactions with or in conjunction with the same person, ZZZ corporation, which when aggregated involves 5.5 percent of plan assets.
(3) During the plan year NMN plan sells to OPO corporation a commercial property that represents 3.5 percent of the current value of plan assets. OPO simultaneously executes a note and mortgage on the purchased property to NMN which represents 3 percent of the current value of plan assets. Under the provisions of paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section, NMN has engaged in a reportable series of transactions with or in conjunction with the same person, OPO corporation, consisting of a simultaneous sale of property and a loan, which, when aggregated, involves 6.5 percent of the current value of plan assets.
(4) At the beginning of the plan year, ABC plan has 10 percent of the current value of plan assets invested equally in a combination of XYZ Corporation common stock and XYZ preferred stock. One month into the plan year, ABC sells some of its XYZ common stock in an amount equal to 2 percent of the current value of plan assets.
(i) Six weeks later the plan sells XYZ preferred stock in an amount equal to 4 percent of the current value of plan assets. A reportable series of transactions has not occurred because only transactions involving securities of the same issue are to be aggregated under paragraph (c)(1)(iii) of this section.
(ii) Two weeks later when the ABC plan purchases XYZ common stock in an amount equal to 3.5 percent of the current value of plan assets, a reportable series of transactions under paragraph (c)(1)(iii) of this section has occurred. The sale of XYZ common stock worth 2 percent of plan assets and the purchase of XYZ common stock worth 3.5 percent of plan assets aggregate to exceed 5 percent of the total value of plan assets.
(5) At the beginning of the plan year, Plan X purchases through broker-dealer Y common stock of Able Industries in an amount equal to 6 percent of plan assets. The common stock of Able Industries is not listed on any national securities exchange or quoted on NASDAQ. This purchase is a reportable transaction under paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section. Three months later, Plan X purchases short term debt obligations of Charley Company through broker-dealer Y in the amount of 0.2 percent of plan assets. This purchase is also a reportable transaction under the provisions of paragraph (c)(1)(iv) of this section.
(6) At the beginning of the plan year, Plan X purchases from Bank B certificates of deposit having a 180 day maturity in an amount equal to 6 percent of plan assets. Bank B is a national bank regulated by the Comptroller of the Currency. This purchase is a reportable transaction under paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section. Three months later, Plan X purchases through Bank B 91-day Treasury bills in the amount of 0.2 percent of plan assets. This purchase is not a reportable transaction under paragraph (c)(1)(iv) of this section because the purchase of the Treasury bills as well as the purchase of the certificates of deposit are not considered to involve a security under the definition of “securities” in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section.
(7) At the beginning of the plan year, Plan X purchases through broker-dealer Y common stock of Able Industries, a New York Stock Exchange listed security, in an amount equal to 6 percent of plan assets. This purchase is a reportable transaction under paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section. Three months later, Plan X purchases through broker-dealer Y, acting as agent, common stock of Baker Corporation, also a New York Stock Exchange listed security, in an amount equal to 0.2 percent of plan assets. This latter purchase is not a reportable transaction under paragraph (c)(1)(iv) of this section because it is not a transaction “with or in conjunction with a person” pursuant to paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section.


29 CFR § 2520.103-6

Scoping language

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