
Consultation means a professional service furnished to a patient by a physician if the following conditions are satisfied:
(1) The physician's opinion or advice regarding evaluation or management or both of a specific medical problem is requested by another physician.
(2) The request and need for the consultation are documented in the patient's medical record.
(3) After the consultation is provided, the physician prepares a written report of his or her findings, which is provided to the physician who requested the consultation.
(4) With respect to radiation therapy services provided by a radiation oncologist, a course of radiation treatments over a period of time will be considered to be pursuant to a consultation, provided that the radiation oncologist communicates with the referring physician on a regular basis about the patient's course of treatment and progress.


42 CFR § 411.351

Scoping language

The definitions in this subpart apply only for purposes of section 1877 of the Act and this subpart. As used in this subpart, unless the context indicates otherwise:

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