Dedicated service

Dedicated service means the exclusive assignment of cars to the transportation of freight between specified points under the following conditions:
(1) The cars are operated—
(i) Primarily on track that is inside an industrial or other non-railroad installation; and
(ii) Only occasionally over track of a railroad;
(2) The cars are not operated—
(i) At speeds of more than 15 miles per hour; and
(ii) Over track of a railroad—
(A) For more than 30 miles in one direction; or
(B) On a round trip of more than 60 miles;
(3) The cars are not freely interchanged among railroads;
(4) The words “Dedicated Service” are stenciled, or otherwise displayed, in clearly legible letters on each side of the car body;
(5) The cars have been examined and found safe to operate in dedicated service; and
(6) The railroad must—
(i) Notify the FRA in writing that the cars are to be operated in dedicated service;
(ii) Identify in that notice—
(A) The railroads affected;
(B) The number and type of cars involved;
(C) The commodities being carried; and
(D) The territorial and speed limits within which the cars will be operated; and
(iii) File the notice required by this paragraph not less than 30 days before the cars operate in dedicated service;


49 CFR § 215.5

Scoping language

As used in this part:

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