Gulf and South Atlantic prohibited coral

Gulf and South Atlantic prohibited coral means, in the Gulf and South Atlantic, one or more of the following, or a part thereof:
(1) Coral belonging to the Class Hydrozoa (fire corals and hydrocorals).
(2) Coral belonging to the Class Anthozoa, Subclass Hexacorallia, Orders Scleractinia (stony corals) and Antipatharia (black corals).
(3) A seafan, Gorgonia flabellum or G. ventalina.
(4) Coral in a coral reef, except for allowable octocoral.
(5) Coral in an HAPC, including allowable octocoral.


50 CFR § 622.2

Scoping language

In addition to the definitions in the Magnuson Act and in 600.10 of this chapter, and the acronyms in 600.15 of this chapter, the terms and acronyms used in this part have the following meanings:

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