A holder

(d) A holder is a person who, upon the effective date of this regulation or in the future, maintains indicia of ownership (as defined in 280.200(c)) primarily to protect a security interest (as defined in 280.200(f)(1)) in a petroleum UST or UST system or facility or property on which a petroleum UST or UST system is located. A holder includes the initial holder (such as a loan originator); any subsequent holder (such as a successor-in-interest or subsequent purchaser of the security interest on the secondary market); a guarantor of an obligation, surety, or any other person who holds ownership indicia primarily to protect a security interest; or a receiver or other person who acts on behalf or for the benefit of a holder.


40 CFR § 280.200

Scoping language

UST technical standards, as used in this subpart, refers to the UST preventative and operating requirements under subparts B, C, D, G, J, and K of this part and 280.50.

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