
Obligation means:
(1) A lessee's, designee's or payor's duty to:
(i) Deliver oil or gas royalty in kind; or
(ii) Make a lease-related payment, including royalty, minimum royalty, rental, bonus, net profit share, proceeds of sale, interest, penalty, civil penalty, or assessment; and
(2) The Secretary's duty to:
(i) Take oil or gas royalty-in-kind; or
(ii) Make a lease-related payment, refund, offset, or credit, including royalty, minimum royalty, rental, bonus, net profit share, proceeds of sale, or interest.
(3) The obligations identified in paragraphs (1)(i) and (2)(i) of this definition are nonmonetary obligations. The obligations identified in paragraphs (1)(ii) and (2)(ii), including the requirement to compute the amount of such obligations, are monetary obligations.


30 CFR § 1290.102

Scoping language

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