General obligation of a State or political subdivision

General obligation of a State or political subdivision means:
(1) An obligation supported by the full faith and credit of an obligor possessing general powers of taxation, including property taxation; or
(2) An obligation payable from a special fund or by an obligor not possessing general powers of taxation, when an obligor possessing general powers of taxation, including property taxation, has unconditionally promised to make payments into the fund or otherwise provide funds to cover all required payments on the obligation.


12 CFR § 1.2

Scoping language

Capital and surplus means:
(1) For qualifying community banking organizations that have elected to use the community bank leverage ratio framework, as set forth under the OCC's Capital Adequacy Standards at part 3 of this chapter:
(i) A qualifying community banking organization's tier 1 capital, as used under ยง 3.12 of this chapter; plus
(ii) A qualifying community banking organization's allowance for loan and lease losses or adjusted allowances for credit losses, as applicable, as reported in the bank's Consolidated Report of Condition and Income (Call Report); or
(2) For all other banks:
(i) A bank's tier 1 and tier 2 capital calculated under the OCC's risk-based capital standards set forth in part 3 of this chapter, as applicable (or comparable capital guidelines of the appropriate Federal banking agency), as reported in the bank's Call Report; plus
(ii) The balance of a bank's allowance for loan and lease losses or adjusted allowances for credit losses, as applicable, not included in the bank's tier 2 capital, for purposes of the calculation of risk-based capital described in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section, as reported in the bank's Call Report.

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