Estimated loss.

Estimated loss. An estimated loss claim based on liquidation appraisal value will be prepared and submitted by the lender.
(1) The estimated loss payment shall be applied as of the date of such payment. The total amount of the loss payment paid by the Agency will be applied by the lender on the loan debt. Such application does not release the borrower from liability.
(2) The Government's written authorization is required for all protective advances in excess of $5,000. Protective advances include, but are not limited to, advances made for property taxes, annual assessments, ground rent, hazard or flood insurance premiums affecting the collateral, and other expenses necessary to preserve or protect the security. Attorney fees are not a protective advance. A protective advance claim will be paid only at the time of the final report of loss payment except in certain transfer and assumption situations with Agency approval.


7 CFR § 3565.457

Scoping language

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