Ordinary course of trade.

(35) Ordinary course of trade. Ordinary course of trade has the same meaning as in section 771(15) of the Act. The Secretary may consider sales or transactions to be outside the ordinary course of trade if the Secretary determines, based on an evaluation of all of the circumstances particular to the sales in question, that such sales or transactions have characteristics that are extraordinary for the market in question. Examples of sales that the Secretary might consider as being outside the ordinary course of trade are sales or transactions involving off-quality merchandise or merchandise produced according to unusual product specifications, merchandise sold at aberrational prices or with abnormally high profits, merchandise sold pursuant to unusual terms of sale, or merchandise sold to an affiliated party at a non-arm's length price.


19 CFR § 351.102

Scoping language

Introduction. The Act contains many technical terms applicable to antidumping and countervailing duty proceedings. In the case of terms that are not defined in this section or other sections of this part, readers should refer to the relevant provisions of the Act. This section:
(1) Defines terms that appear in the Act but are not defined in the Act;
(2) Defines terms that appear in this Part but do not appear in the Act; and
(3) Elaborates on the meaning of certain terms that are defined in the Act.

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