Otherwise use

Otherwise use means any use of a toxic chemical, including a toxic chemical contained in a mixture or other trade name product or waste, that is not covered by the terms manufacture or process. Otherwise use of a toxic chemical does not include disposal, stabilization (without subsequent distribution in commerce), or treatment for destruction unless:
(1) The toxic chemical that was disposed, stabilized, or treated for destruction was received from off-site for the purposes of futher waste management; or
(2) The toxic chemical that was disposed, stabilized, or treated for destruction was manufactured as a result of waste management activities on materials received from off-site for the purposes of further waste management activities. Relabeling or redistributing of the toxic chemical where no repackaging of the toxic chemical occurs does not constitute otherwise use or processing of the toxic chemical.


40 CFR § 372.3

Scoping language

Terms defined in sections 313(1)(c) and 329 of Title III and not explicitly defined herein are used with the meaning given in Title III. For the purpose of this part:

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