
(1) Upon receipt of a timely request for revocation or termination under paragraph (e) of this section, the Secretary will consider the request as including a request for an administrative review and will initiate and conduct a review under § 351.213.
(2) When the Secretary is considering a request for revocation or termination under paragraph (e) of this section, in addition to the requirements of § 351.221 regarding the conduct of an administrative review, the Secretary will:
(i) Publish with the notice of initiation under § 351.221(b)(1), notice of “Request for Revocation of Order” or “Request for Termination of Suspended Investigation” (whichever is applicable);
(ii) Conduct a verification under § 351.307;
(iii) Include in the preliminary results of review under § 351.221(b)(4) the Secretary's decision whether there is a reasonable basis to believe that the requirements for revocation or termination are met;
(iv) If the Secretary decides that there is a reasonable basis to believe that the requirements for revocation or termination are met, publish with the notice of preliminary results of review under § 351.221(b)(4) notice of “Intent To Revoke Order” or “Intent To Terminate Suspended Investigation” (whichever is applicable);
(v) Include in the final results of review under § 351.221(b)(5) the Secretary's final decision whether the requirements for revocation or termination are met; and
(vi) If the Secretary determines that the requirements for revocation or termination are met, publish with the notice of final results of review under § 351.221(b)(5) notice of “Revocation of Order” or “Termination of Suspended Investigation” (whichever is applicable).
(3) If the Secretary revokes an order, the Secretary will order the suspension of liquidation terminated for the merchandise covered by the revocation on the first day after the period under review, and will instruct the Customs Service to release any cash deposit or bond.


19 CFR § 351.222

Scoping language

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