Tax liability limitation

Tax liability limitation(1) In general. Section 46(a)(3) provides a tax liability limitation on the amount of credit allowed by section 38 (other than the refundable energy credit) for any taxable year. See section 46(a)(10)(C)(i). Tax liability is defined in paragraph (j) of this section. The excess of available credit over the applicable tax liability limitation for the year is an unused credit which may be carried forward or carried back under section 46(b).
(1)In general.Section 46(a)(3) provides a tax liability limitation on the amount of credit allowed by section 38 (other than the refundable energy credit) for any taxable year. See section 46(a)(10)(C)(i). Tax liability is defined inparagraph (j)of this section. The excess of available credit over the applicable tax liability limitation for the year is an unused credit which may be carried forward or carried back under section 46(b).


26 CFR § 1.46-1

Scoping language

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