Transclassified Foreign Nuclear Information (TFNI)

Transclassified Foreign Nuclear Information (TFNI) means:
(1) Information concerning the nuclear energy programs of other nations (including subnational groups) that is removed from the RD category under the AEA (section 142(e)) after DOE and the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) jointly determine that the information is necessary to carry out intelligence-related activities under the National Security Act of 1947, as amended, and that the information can be adequately protected in a manner similar to NSI. TFNI includes information removed from the RD category by past agreements between DOE and the Director of Central Intelligence or past and future agreements with the DNI.
(2) TFNI does not include:
(i) RD or FRD concerning United Kingdom (U.K.) or Canadian programs;
(ii) Any U.S. RD or FRD, including that which the U.S. has transmitted to other nations;
(iii) Any evaluation of foreign information based on the use of U.S. RD or FRD unless also specifically transclassified to TFNI or any evaluation that could reveal such data concerning the U.S., U.K., or Canadian programs;
(iv) Classified atomic energy information received from a foreign government pursuant to an agreement imposing security measures equivalent for those in effect for RD; or
(v) Classified information on the Tripartite Gas Centrifuge and its successor programs, including data on the gas centrifuge work of each of the participants.


10 CFR § 1045.30

Scoping language

The following definitions apply to this part:

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