Catalytic cracking unit

Catalytic cracking unit means a refinery process unit in which petroleum derivatives are continuously charged and hydrocarbon molecules in the presence of a catalyst are fractured into smaller molecules, or react with a contact material suspended in a fluidized bed to improve feedstock quality for additional processing and the catalyst or contact material is continuously regenerated by burning off coke and other deposits. Catalytic cracking units include both fluidized bed systems, which are referred to as fluid catalytic cracking units (FCCU), and moving bed systems, which are also referred to as thermal catalytic cracking units. The unit includes the riser, reactor, regenerator, air blowers, spent catalyst or contact material stripper, catalyst or contact material recovery equipment, and regenerator equipment for controlling air pollutant emissions and for heat recovery.


40 CFR § 98.6

Scoping language

All terms used in this part shall have the same meaning given in the Clean Air Act and in this section.

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