Comprehensive nutrient management plan (CNMP)

Comprehensive nutrient management plan (CNMP) means a conservation plan that is specifically for an AFO. A CNMP identifies conservation practices and management activities that, when implemented as part of a conservation system, will manage sufficient quantities of manure, waste water, or organic by-products associated with a waste management facility. A CNMP incorporates practices to use animal manure and organic by-products as a beneficial resource while protecting all applicable natural resources including water and air quality associated with an AFO. A CNMP is developed to assist an AFO owner or operator in meeting all applicable local, Tribal, State, and Federal water quality goals or regulations. For nutrient-impaired stream segments or water bodies, additional management activities or conservation practices may be required by local, Tribal, State, or Federal water quality goals or regulations.


7 CFR § 1466.3

Scoping language

The definitions in this section apply to this part and all documents issued in accordance with this part, unless specified elsewhere in this part:

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