Full cost

Full cost includes all direct costs and all allocable costs of producing the material or providing the service consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. Direct costs and allocable costs may include, but are not limited to, the following cost elements:
(1) Direct labor.
(2) Personnel fringe benefits.
(3) Direct materials.
(4) Other direct costs.
(5) Processing materials and chemicals.
(6) Power and other utilities.
(7) Maintenance.
(8) Indirect cost, i.e., common costs which cannot be directly assigned to specific cost objectives and are therefore allocated to cost objectives in a systematic cost allocation process.
(9) Depreciation which includes depreciation costs that are directly associated with facilities and equipment utilized, and allocated depreciation costs for support and general facilities and equipment.
(10) Added factor includes general and administrative costs and other support costs that are incurred for the benefit of the Department, an organizational unit or a material or service as a whole.


10 CFR § 1009.2

Scoping language

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