Waste determination

Waste determination means performing all applicable procedures in accordance with the requirements of 265.1084 of this subpart to determine whether a hazardous waste meets standards specified in this subpart. Examples of a waste determination include performing the procedures in accordance with the requirements of 265.1084 of this subpart to determine the average VO concentration of a hazardous waste at the point of waste origination; the average VO concentration of a hazardous waste at the point of waste treatment and comparing the results to the exit concentration limit specified for the process used to treat the hazardous waste; the organic reduction efficiency and the organic biodegradation efficiency for a biological process used to treat a hazardous waste and comparing the results to the applicable standards; or the maximum volatile organic vapor pressure for a hazardous waste in a tank and comparing the results to the applicable standards.


40 CFR § 265.1081

Scoping language

As used in this subpart, all terms not defined herein shall have the meaning given to them in the Act and parts 260 through 266 of this chapter.

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