Washington North Coast Subarea.

(B) Washington North Coast Subarea. The Washington North Coast subarea is located west of a line at approximately 12423.70 W long. and north of the Queets River (4731.70 N lat.).
(1) Recreational fishing for halibut is prohibited within the North Coast Recreational Yelloweye Rockfish Conservation Area (YRCA). It is unlawful for recreational fishing vessels to take and retain, possess, or land halibut taken with recreational gear within the North Coast Recreational YRCA. A vessel fishing with recreational gear in the North Coast Recreational YRCA may not be in possession of any halibut. Recreational vessels may transit through the North Coast Recreational YRCA with or without halibut on board. The North Coast Recreational YRCA is defined in groundfish regulations at 50 CFR 660.70(b).
(2) [Reserved]
(C) Washington South Coast Subarea. The Washington South Coast subarea is located between the Queets River, WA (47°31.70′ N lat.), and Leadbetter Point, WA (46°38.17′ N lat.).
(1) This subarea is divided between the all-depth fishery (the Washington South Coast primary fishery) and the incidental nearshore fishery in the area from 47°31.70′ N to 46°58.00′ N lat. and east of a boundary line approximating the 30-fm (55-m) depth contour. The Washington South coast northern nearshore area is defined by straight lines connecting the following points in the order stated:
(1) Recreational fishing for halibut is prohibited within the North Coast Recreational Yelloweye Rockfish Conservation Area (YRCA). It is unlawful for recreational fishing vessels to take and retain, possess, or land halibut taken with recreational gear within the North Coast Recreational YRCA. A vessel fishing with recreational gear in the North Coast Recreational YRCA may not be in possession of any halibut. Recreational vessels may transit through the North Coast Recreational YRCA with or without halibut on board. The North Coast Recreational YRCA is defined in groundfish regulations at 50 CFR 660.70(b).
(2) [Reserved]
(C) Washington South Coast Subarea. The Washington South Coast subarea is located between the Queets River, WA (47°31.70′ N lat.), and Leadbetter Point, WA (46°38.17′ N lat.).
(1) This subarea is divided between the all-depth fishery (the Washington South Coast primary fishery) and the incidental nearshore fishery in the area from 47°31.70′ N to 46°58.00′ N lat. and east of a boundary line approximating the 30-fm (55-m) depth contour. The Washington South coast northern nearshore area is defined by straight lines connecting the following points in the order stated:


50 CFR § 300.63

Scoping language

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