Allowable claim amount.

Allowable claim amount. The allowable claim amount must be calculated by:
(1) Adding to the unpaid principal and interest on the date of loss, an amount approved by the Agency for payments made by the lender for amounts due and owning on the property, including:
(i) Property taxes and other protective advances as approved by the Agency;
(ii) Water and sewer charges and other special assessments that are liens prior to the guaranteed loan;
(iii) Insurance of the property; and
(iv) Reasonable liquidation expenses.
(2) And by deducting the following items:
(i) Any amount received by the lender on the account of the guaranteed loan after the date of default;
(ii) Any net income received by the lender from the secured property after the date of default; and
(iii) Any cash items retained by the lender, except any amount representing a balance of the guaranteed loan not advanced to the borrower. Any loan amount not advanced will be applied by the lender to reduce the outstanding principal on the loan.


7 CFR § 3565.457

Scoping language

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