Foreign passthru payment.

Foreign passthru payment. [Reserved]
(i) Expanded affiliated group—(1) Scope of paragraph. This paragraph (i) defines the term expanded affiliated group for purposes of chapter 4. For the requirements of a participating FFI with respect to members of its expanded affiliated group that are FFIs, see § 1.1471–4(e).
(2) Expanded affiliated group defined. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph (i), an expanded affiliated group is defined in accordance with the principles of section 1504(a) to mean one or more chains of members connected through ownership by a common parent entity if the common parent entity directly owns stock or other equity interests meeting the requirements of paragraph (i)(4) of this section in at least one of the other members (for purposes of this paragraph (i), the constructive ownership rules of section 318 do not apply). Generally, only a corporation shall be treated as the common parent entity of an expanded affiliated group, unless the taxpayer elects to follow the approach described in paragraph (i)(10) of this section.
(3) Member of an expanded affiliated group. The term member of an expanded affiliated group means a corporation or any entity other than a corporation (such as a partnership or trust) with respect to which the ownership requirements of paragraph (i)(4) of this section are met, regardless of whether such entity is a U.S. person or a foreign person, but excluding corporations described in paragraphs (1), (4), (6), (7), or (8) of section 1504(b).
(4) Ownership test. The ownership requirements of this paragraph (i)(4) are met if—
(i) Corporations. For purposes of paragraph (i)(2) of this section, a corporation (except the common parent entity) will be considered owned by another member entity or by the common parent entity if more than 50 percent of the total voting power of the stock of such corporation and more than 50 percent of the total value of the stock of such corporation is owned directly by one or more other members of the group (including the common parent entity).
(A) Stock not to include certain preferred stock. For purposes of this paragraph (i)(4), the term stock does not include any stock which is described in section 1504(a)(4).
(B) Valuation. For purposes of section 1471(e) and this section, all shares of stock within a single class are considered to have the same value in determining the ownership percentage. Thus, control premiums and minority blockage discounts within a single class are not taken into account.
(ii) Partnerships. For purposes of paragraph (i)(2) of this section, a partnership will be considered owned by another member entity (including the common parent entity) if more than 50 percent (by value) of the capital or profits interest in the partnership is owned directly by one or more other members of the group (including the common parent entity).
(iii) Trusts. For purposes of paragraph (i)(2) of this section, a trust will be considered owned by another member entity or by the common parent entity if more than 50 percent (by value) of the beneficial interest in such trust is owned directly by one or more other members of the group (including the common parent entity). A beneficial interest in a trust includes an interest held by an entity treated as a grantor or other owner of the trust under sections 671 through 679 and a beneficial trust interest.
(5) Treatment of warrants, options, and obligations convertible into equity for determining ownership. For purposes of paragraph (i)(4) of this section, ownership of warrants, options, obligations convertible into the equity of a corporation or entity other than a corporation, and other similar interests is not considered for purposes of determining whether an entity is a member of an expanded affiliated group, except as follows:
(i) Ownership of a warrant, option, obligation convertible into stock, or other similar instrument creating an interest in a corporation will be considered for purposes of paragraph (i)(4) of this section to the extent that the common parent or member of the expanded affiliated group that holds such instrument also maintains voting rights with respect to such corporation. However, interests described in § 1.1504–4(d)(2) will not be treated as options.
(ii) Ownership of a warrant, option, obligation convertible into an equity interest, or other similar instrument creating an interest in a corporation or entity other than a corporation will be considered for purposes of paragraph (i)(4) of this section to the extent that such instrument is reasonably certain to be exercised, based on all of the facts and circumstances and in accordance with the principles set forth in § 1.1504–4(g).


26 CFR § 1.1471-5

Scoping language

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