Port of export.

Port of export. The port of export is the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) seaport or airport where the goods are loaded on the aircraft or vessel that is taking the goods out of the United States, or the CBP port where exports by overland transportation cross the U.S. border into Canada or Mexico. For EEI reporting purposes only, for goods loaded aboard an aircraft or vessel that stops at several ports before clearing to the foreign country, the port of export is the first CBP port where the goods were loaded. For goods off-loaded from the original conveyance to another conveyance (even if the aircraft or vessel belongs to the same carrier) at any of the ports, the port where the goods were loaded on the last conveyance before going foreign is the port of export. The port of export is reported in terms of Schedule D, Classification of CBP Districts and Ports. Use port code 8000 for shipments by mail.


15 CFR § 30.1

Scoping language

This part sets forth the Foreign Trade Regulations (FTR) as required under the provisions of Title 13, United States Code (U.S.C.), Chapter 9, section 301. These regulations are revised pursuant to provisions of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Public Law 107228 (the Act). This Act authorizes the Secretary of Commerce, with the concurrence of the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Homeland Security, to publish regulations mandating that all persons who are required to file export information under Chapter 9 of 13 U.S.C., file such information through the Automated Export System (AES) for all shipments where a Shipper's Export Declaration (SED) was previously required. The law further authorizes the Secretary of Commerce to issue regulations regarding imposition of civil and criminal penalties for violations of the provisions of the Act and these regulations.

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