
(i) A boiler that uses an alternate substance as its primary fuel is alternative energy property.
(ii) A boiler is a device for producing vapor from a liquid. Boilers, in general, have a burner in which fuel is burned. A boiler includes a fire box, boiler tubes, the containment shell, pumps, pressure and operating controls, and safety equipment, but not pollution control equipment (as defined in paragraph (c)(8) of this section).
(iii) A “primary fuel” is a fuel comprising more than 50 percent of the fuel requirement of an item of equipment, measured in terms of Btu's for the remainder of the taxable year from the date the equipment is placed in service and for each taxable year thereafter. Electricity and waste heat are not fuels. For example, electric boilers do not qualify as alternative energy property even if the electricity is derived from an alternate substance.


26 CFR § 1.48-9

Scoping language

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