Gas-dangerous space

Gas-dangerous space includes the following spaces:
(a) A space in the cargo area without arrangements to provide a safe atmosphere at all times.
(b) An enclosed space outside the cargo area through which any piping that may contain liquid or gaseous cargo passes, or within which that piping terminates, without arrangements to prevent gas from escaping into the space.
(c) A cargo containment system and cargo piping.
(d) A hold space where cargo is carried in a cargo containment system:
(1) With a secondary barrier; or
(2) Without a secondary barrier.
(e) A space separated from a hold space under paragraph (d)(1) of this definition by a single gastight boundary.
(f) A cargo pumproom and a cargo compressor room.
(g) A zone on the weather deck or a semi-enclosed space on the weather deck within 3.05 m (10 ft) of any cargo tank outlet, gas or vapor outlet, cargo pipe flange, cargo valve, or of entrances and ventilation openings to a cargo pump room or a cargo compressor room.
(h) Except for existing gas vessels, the weather deck over the cargo area and 3.05 m (10 ft) forward and aft of the cargo area on the weather deck to 2.4 m (8 ft) above the weather deck.
(i) A zone within 2.4 m (8 ft) of the outer surface of a cargo containment system where the surface is exposed to the weather.
(j) An enclosed or semi-enclosed space in which there is piping containing cargo, except those—
(1) With gas sampling lines for gas detection equipment under § 154.1350(n); or
(2) In which boil-off gas is used as fuel under § 154.703.
(k) A space for storage of cargo hoses.
(l) An enclosed or semi-enclosed space having an opening into any gas-dangerous space or zone.


46 CFR § 154.7

Scoping language

As used in this part:

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