Employment network

Employment network or EN means a qualified public or private entity that has entered into an agreement with us to serve under the Ticket to Work program and that assumes responsibility for the coordination and delivery of employment services, vocational rehabilitation services, or other support services to beneficiaries assigning tickets to it. The rules on employment networks are described in subpart E of this part ( 411.300-411.330). A State vocational rehabilitation agency may choose, on a case-by-case basis, to function as an employment network with respect to a beneficiary under the Ticket to Work program. The rules on State vocational rehabilitation agencies' participation in the Ticket to Work program are described in subpart F of this part ( 411.350-411.435).
orENmeans a qualified public or private entity that has entered into an agreement with us to serve under the Ticket to Work program and that assumes responsibility for the coordination and delivery of employment services, vocational rehabilitation services, or other support services to beneficiaries assigning tickets to it. The rules on employment networks are described insubpart E of this part( 411.300-411.330). A State vocational rehabilitation agency may choose, on a case-by-case basis, to function as an employment network with respect to a beneficiary under the Ticket to Work program. The rules on State vocational rehabilitation agencies' participation in the Ticket to Work program are described insubpart F of this part( 411.350-411.435).


20 CFR § 411.115

Scoping language

As used in this part:

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