Life cycle cost analysis.

Life cycle cost analysis. Life cycle cost analysis is the comparison of different materials to examine anticipated useful life and the cost of using a specific material or building component. The analysis has multiple uses, such as: To conduct a cost efficiency comparison between products, (2) for developing component replacement time tables, and (3) for estimating future component replacement costs. Life cycle cost analysis can be accomplished through various methods, such as; insurance actuary tables or Agency documentation of a component's life expectancy. Life cycle cost analysis is conducted by a design professional. For Agency financed projects, a life cycle cost analysis is to be conducted for specific components: (1) drives and parking, (2) roofing system and roofing material, (3) exterior finishes, and (4) energy source items.


7 CFR § 3560.11

Scoping language

Unless otherwise noted, terms listed in this part shall be defined as follows:

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