Debt or claim

Debt or claim means an amount of funds or other property determined by an appropriate official of the Federal Government to be owed to the United States from any person, organization, or entity, except another Federal agency. For the purpose of administrative offset, the term includes an amount owed by an individual to a State, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, the United States Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Debts include, but are not limited to, amounts owed pursuant to: Loans insured or guaranteed by the United States; fees; leases; rents; royalties; services; sales of real or personal property; Federal salary overpayments; overpayments to program beneficiaries, contractors, providers, suppliers, and grantees; audit disallowance determinations; civil penalties and assessments; theft or loss; interest; fines and forfeitures (except those arising under the Uniform Code of Military Justice); and all other similar sources.


45 CFR § 30.2

Scoping language

In this part

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